Here's the recent articles submitted by dilip joshi
Articles By dilip joshi
One Step Forward - Two Steps Back
By: dilip joshi
Nature, its validity and efficacy is long forgotten. We must be as close to nature as possible, while manifesting the beautiful tomorrow. All should loosen up and actually try to analyze the much entrenched myths that are created by today's Science. A real happy step forward, is towards the next-gen world.(read
entire article)
View : 123 Times
Category : Beauty
Eat Healthy …while Your Skin Ails
By: dilip joshi
Skin is meant to be a important part of our body as such our heart, kidneys & lungs. We don't take a chance regarding those internal parts coz we believe them to be essential for our living, then what about our skin? Is that not worthy? Imagine we play chemicals on our heart or lungs and there are goose bumps already. But, feeding skin with the same brings us a lot of pleasure. It not only harms your skin but the toxic intake will surely lead to a diseased future.(read
entire article)
View : 120 Times
Category : Beauty
Bizarre Is Beautiful
By: dilip joshi
There are lots of skin care options present in this article which can take you from “ouch!” to “yuks” for sure! It focuses on all super human experiments conducted by several scientists around the world to cure various types of skin disorders. While reading this article you may find that the writer of the same is an INSANE but later you would end up calling him a GENIOUS.(read
entire article)
View : 100 Times
Category : Beauty