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Articles By saidur rahman

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Privacy: Why It's Important In Relationships   By: saidur rahman
Privacy is a word that we all hear a lot, but nobody really pays much mind to. By definition, privacy is the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one's private life or affairs. That is the general definition, but privacy really means something else entirely when you are talking about your personal privacy in a relationship.(read entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

You Can't Love Anybody Until You Love Yourself   By: saidur rahman
One of the most difficult lessons to learn about love and relationships is that you can not love anybody until you know how to love yourself. Many people look for self validation when they are in relationships. Many people are very insecure and that causes them to unconsciously look to the person that they are in a relationship with for reassurance that they are good enough, pretty enough, or worth enough. Whenever this is present in relationships, it generally always leads to disaster. Relationships such as these do not normally last very long because one person is trying to be completely reliant on the other, and that is just not what relationships are.(read entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

5 Tips For The First Date   By: saidur rahman
The early part of the relationship determines whether you want to continue dating or not. This determining should be after 2 or 3 dates. The big mistake that men or women do is to stop dating from the first date if they felt that they have no chemistry between them. They should understand that each of them might be nervous and under spot. Sometimes women feel zealous in the early part of a new relationship.(read entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

How To Find Love   By: saidur rahman
One of the today's biggest issues definitely refers to the question where to find love. People have never been more connected as nowadays but so distanced emotionally at the same time.How do you find love in this slap dashed world where every person is a pretty much self focused individual without much empathy for the others? Life difficulties that we are facing have been making us alienated from each other.(read entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Dating Ease The Love Seek   By: saidur rahman
What is love? It is the everlasting desire and the ultimate goal in life. Those who were lucky enough and found their true love in this rather insensitive community have to cherish it as the most beautiful and vulnerable flower. If you disregard the importance of keeping the love flame burning you will probably suffer unattractive consequences which the broken hart could cause. Of all the organs heart is the one that hurts the most and that sort of pain is hard to get rid of once it crawls inside. It will eat you bit by bit until you are all gone. Therefore cherish the love and stay thrilled forever.(read entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Date And Find Your Love   By: saidur rahman
A lot of people dream about spending their lives with their true match, the one person who would understand them completely and give them everything needed for being happy.(read entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Find Your Love Today   By: saidur rahman
Where to find love in this world? Love is the main power machine for everyone and should be also much easier to find but in real itis not as simple as we desire. As it is an emotion described a billion times before every person knows what is love but does not know unfortunately how to find love. Those who haven't found it feel as they miss a great part of life. Finding your true match won't be an easy task but you could also have a lot of fun during the searching phase. You will meet a significant number of candidates and although they won't all leave you breathless they could easily become the true friends or great work connections.(read entire article)
View : 213 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

Searching For Love With The Experts' Help   By: saidur rahman
Only those who desperately seek for love know how difficult it could be. If only somebody could help me find my love. During my life I was often disappointed one after the relationships were over and have lost my faith in finding my true love during the way. What is love exactly and could it be described with words? For me love is the most beautiful experience and sense that cannot be measured with anything else. Sharing your deepest secrets and experiencing most sensitive feelings with another human being is the ultimate goal I have been craving for. If I don't succeed tofind me love it will be a disaster. I have been watching all those happy couples spending their time together and making the most incredible memories and think how I am wasting my time on losers who cannot commit permanently and just take the advantage of my kindness. It has been enough of them and I am declaring a war against the possible bad relationships.(read entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

The True Love   By: saidur rahman
People are always looking for the true love but the truth is that love is everywhere. Love between couples is the highest level of love. The relationship between a couples pass through three levels. First level of any relationship start with dating for more than one date. They keep dating till they fall in love and have the first kiss. Some partners have the kiss from the first date. This depends if the couple already know each other, or if they were friends and they wanted to move their relationship to the next level.(read entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

What Happens After Dating?!   By: saidur rahman
Everybody is looking for a person hoping to find love with his partner. We are looking for the right person in a club. In the bar, at parties, and in the internet dating sites. Many of us really succeeded and find love, but what happens after that?(read entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Dating/Love/Romance

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