Here's the recent articles submitted by frank ween
Articles By frank ween
Customize And Order An Xbox Controller Of Your Choice
By: frank ween
We all grow up by playing games with our friends and family. All of us play various indoor and outdoor entertainments in our childhood and even when we grow up we like to play them in our leisure times.(read
entire article)
View : 374 Times
Category : Games
How Does The Xbox Differ From The Xbox 360?
By: frank ween
What is the difference between Xbox and Xbox 360 is the question arising in the minds of many gaming enthusiasts. Most of these people own the former version and they wish to know the difference just because of the fact that they are interested in going for the latter version.(read
entire article)
View : 714 Times
Category : Computers
Great Gaming Experience With The Right Rapid Fire Controller
By: frank ween
Right from the period of the introduction of video games, they have gained wide popularity not only among children, but many adults just begin to play them to teach their kids, but they finally become slaves to this entertainment.(read
entire article)
View : 393 Times
Category : Games
Where To Get Ps3 Modded Controller?
By: frank ween
The PS3 modded controller is the must have gadget for gaming enthusiasts. In addition to improving your gaming skills, this device can also change the aesthetical appeal of your Play Station 3. The best modded controller generally has the best stealth control and rapid firing features.(read
entire article)
View : 400 Times
Category : Games
How To Mod An Xbox 360 Controller For Rapid Fire?
By: frank ween
In the competitive online video gaming field, rapid fire controllers are highly beneficial for serious players to take a lead against other players. Particularly, first person shooters can be benefited from mod controller for Xbox 360.(read
entire article)
View : 813 Times
Category : Games
Benefits Of Different Types Of Mod Controllers
Submitted as: frankween
Modded, rapid fire mod controller, turbo mod and many different names are given to these controllers and they fundamentally enable the gamers to change a single weapon into their favorite shooter sport and they can also turn these weapons as automatic ones as well.(read
entire article)
View : 474 Times
Category : Games
The Best Rapid Fire Mod Controller
By: frank ween
Like many individuals out there, games are really an opportunity and a pastime, not an occupation.(read
entire article)
View : 416 Times
Category : Games
Xbox 360 Modded Controllers Reviews
By: frank ween
If you are a user of the Xbox, you might have very well heard about mod controllers. This device can convert any tool used in the game into an automatic tool.(read
entire article)
View : 880 Times
Category : Computers
Own A Modified Xbox Controller Of Your Choice
By: frank ween
We all like to play games and spend our leisure time playing with friends or family. Gaming is a passion of every child.(read
entire article)
View : 315 Times
Category : Games