Here's the recent articles submitted by betsy young
Articles By betsy young
What Do You Do With Kratom Powder?
By: betsy young
Kratom is a tree that is indigenous to the South East Asian nations and has been in use since before the world war. The primary use of the tree involves increasing ones capability to withstandlong and tedious work.(read
entire article)
View : 60 Times
Category : Health
Why Kratom Capsules Are The #1 Kratom Product Sold
By: betsy young
Kratom is a tree that is native to the South East Asian countries. The Thai used it natives to improve their working capabilities and to withstand long day of work without experiencing unnecessary tiredness.(read
entire article)
View : 59 Times
Category : Health
Buy Kratom - How Kratom Can Boost Your Immune System
By: betsy young
The up to date trend hitting in the market today are the medical herbs. Thousands of people all around the world admire the herb of Kratom, because of its many benefits to health. In addition to various benefits offered by Kratom,(read
entire article)
View : 82 Times
Category : Health
Buy Kratom - How Kratom Effectively Treats Pain
By: betsy young
It has been declared by latest researches that Kratom is the most effective pain killer for the patients who are on recovery mode. The Kratom and its products have turned out to be effective because of codeine which makes this nature friendly supplement quite effective.(read
entire article)
View : 69 Times
Category : Health
Buy Kratom - How To Be An Addict And Excel In Life
By: betsy young
Kratom originally is a Southeast Asian tree, which belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Even the coffee tree is from this family. Mitragyna speciosa is the botanical name of the Kratom tree. Kratom leaves are high on alkaloids content.(read
entire article)
View : 85 Times
Category : Health
Codeine And Kratom: Comparing Two Products Commonly Used For Pain Relief
By: betsy young
Codeine belongs to the family of narcotic medicine. What are narcotic drugs? These are medications that give relief from pain and its primary side effect is sleepiness. It definitely changes your mood and behavior.(read
entire article)
View : 74 Times
Category : Health
How Can Kratom Provide Pain Relief – Holistic & Opiate
By: betsy young
If you are reeling under chronic pain or suffering from opium related toxicity, you should start using an alternative opioid to get symptomatic relief. However, other than anecdotal or observational evidence, there are literally no concrete facts to support the effectiveness of opioid switching.(read
entire article)
View : 120 Times
Category : Health
2012 Kratom News: Recap Of The 2012 Plant Year
By: betsy young
As the plant of the year, kratom has been on many different trials. This native plant of Thailand is somewhat infamous upon the eyes of other people. However, we all know that those people does not have any enough knowledge and information about the true power and capability of the plant.(read
entire article)
View : 75 Times
Category : Health
Kratom's Origin - A Brief History
By: betsy young
Kratom, which is also known by the scientific name of “mitragyna speciosa”, has an interesting history. Aside from its powerful capabilities and cryptic healing properties, it has also an odd story to tell.(read
entire article)
View : 66 Times
Category : Health
Kratom - How To Use To Alleviate Drug Addiction
By: betsy young
In the first decade of its popularity, kratom became well known because of its ability to alleviate the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Aside from that, it makes a person stimulated, mentally focused and alert.(read
entire article)
View : 68 Times
Category : Health