Here's the recent articles submitted by privatequity scandinavia
Articles By privatequity scandinavia
Find Investors To Balance The Economic Conditions
By: privatequity scandinavia
Norway shines especially brightly: unlike Britain, it is saving its North Sea oil and gas revenues into a sovereign wealth fund, now worth 2.384 trillion kroner (£228bn), or 1.4 times its GDP. Only 4% of the fund goes into the national budget, the rest is saved for future generations. So when Norway needed to find money to stimulate the economy, it was able to find it without having to cut public budgets or increase taxes, as Britain is set to do.(read
entire article)
View : 57 Times
Category : Business
Scandinavia As A Whole The Best To Invest
By: privatequity scandinavia
The Norwegian economy is showing few signs of weakness and we see no reason to change our optimistic view of the economy going forward," says Eric Bruce, an economist who also works for Nordea.(read
entire article)
View : 69 Times
Category : General
The Economies Of Denmark And Finland
By: privatequity scandinavia
Household finances are generally stable. A low inflation level and pay rises jack up households' purchasing power," says Torbjorn Isaksson, an economist at Nordea. It is expected that real disposable income in Sweden will rise by about 2 per cent a year until 2014.(read
entire article)
View : 64 Times
Category : Business
Where To Invest: A Big Dilemma
By: privatequity scandinavia
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden all belong to the exclusive club of countries with top ratings from the major credit rating agencies. These countries have status as safe havens in financial markets," says Helge Pedersen, the global chief economist at Nordea, a financial services group in the Nordic and Baltic region.(read
entire article)
View : 51 Times
Category : Business