Here's the recent articles submitted by john di lemme
Articles By john di lemme
Is There A Thief In Your House?
By: john di lemme
A thief is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as one that steals especially stealthily (slow & deliberate) or secretly. Is there a thief in your house? I know that you are probably saying to yourself, “Of course, there isn't a thief in my house”. But are you really sure about that?(read
entire article)
View : 40 Times
Category : Business
*5* Secrets On The Importance Of A Coach
By: john di lemme
As you go forward on your success journey, you will meet people that have done what you want to do in life. They've made it! You know deep in your heart that if they can do it then you can too. So, how do you get to that level of success?(read
entire article)
View : 46 Times
Category : Business
Abcs Of Motivation
By: john di lemme
Without a solid foundation, your life and your business will crumble. The secret to building a rock-solid foundation to build your life and business on is motivation.(read
entire article)
View : 37 Times
Category : General
Ownership – Success Law #1
By: john di lemme
I want you to circle the word Ownership so that you remember its importance. When you “own” something, it's yours. The only way that someone can take it from you is if you give it up. You own the dream that's inside your heart and you have the right to achieve that dream. The only way that it's no longer your dream is if you give it up.(read
entire article)
View : 48 Times
Category : Business
Closing – Success Law #2
By: john di lemme
I want you to say this out loud right now, “I love closing!” You can close the door on poverty with a decisive mindset of “always be opening.” You must always be opening relationships. Each and every day, walk out with a mindset of, “I'm prosperous. I own my dream and I'm opening relationships.”(read
entire article)
View : 37 Times
Category : General