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Articles By blossom ivfindia

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Test Tube Baby Centre Surat   By: blossom ivfindia
Test Tube Babies Clinic Surat - Test tube baby centre is a place where all treatments related to infertility are available under one roof. Equipped with all types of latest equipment and technical aspects that can easily cure problems like male infertility, female infertility, IUI, IVF – ICSI, IVF-ET, Egg donation, Blastocyst culture, Embryo Donation, Assisted hatching, Surrogacy and few more, test tube baby centres help infertile couples to enjoy parenthood.(read entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Health

Assisted Hatching In Assisted Reproduction    Submitted as: blossomivfindia
Assisted hatching of IVF embryos,is an Assisted Reproductive Technology procedure which is performed in IVF laboratory. It involves the use of laser to thin the outer shell (zone pellucida) of the fertilized egg, before the embryo is transferred into the uterus. Assisted hatching is used to enhance the embryos ability to hatch, and also implant, after transfer. The procedure is based on the fact that an alteration in zona pellucida either by drilling a hole through it or by thinning it, will promote hatching or implantation of embryos and will help in pregnancy.(read entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Health

Saturn 5 Active™ Laser System For Ablation Of The Zona Pellucida   By: blossom ivfindia
Saturn 5™ Active Laser System is the latest cutting-edge ART technology and is the most advanced, safest and fastest laser system for laser assisted hatching in repeated IVF failures and laser assisted biopsies of embryos for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis in recurrent missed abortions,IVF failures . The new laser system makes the procedure quicker, easier and safer to perform than ever before. The Saturn 5™ laser has really improved and sped up ART procedures.(read entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Health

Roadway From Infertility To Parenthood   By: blossom ivfindia
Infertility is simply a symptom, the causes of infertility are numerous, and identifying the specific barrier to conception is of paramount importance. After consultation, investigation and counseling, a program of treatment is created with the objective of the greatest chance of success for each couple.(read entire article)
View : 92 Times
Category : Health

Methods Used In Art Technology   By: blossom ivfindia
ART procedures involve surgically removing eggs from a woman's ovaries, combining them with sperm in the laboratory, and returning them to the woman's body or donating them to another woman. Today, assisted reproductive technology (ART) refers not only to IVF but also to several variations tailored to patients' unique conditions. Common methods of ART include IVF, ICSI, GIFT, ZIFT, Donor egg or embryo or Surrogacy. Fertility treatments and infertility treatments work hand in hand with ART techniques.(read entire article)
View : 109 Times
Category : Health

Pre Implantation Genetic Testing (pgt)   By: blossom ivfindia
PGD, or Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, is a new technique, which marries the recent spectacular advances in molecular genetics and assisted reproductive technology (ART).(read entire article)
View : 97 Times
Category : General

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