Here's the recent articles submitted by gordan zovko
Articles By gordan zovko
Holy Land Tours – Way To Spiritual Journeys
By: gordan zovko
Once in a lifetime, every Catholic person wishes to visit a shrine or sacred place. Holy land pilgrimages are very popular among pilgrims spread all across the world. These take you to the major pilgrimage places without any hassle and inconvenience. You can also pick up a holy land tour package and pay a visit to the major Catholic places.(read
entire article)
View : 106 Times
Category : Travel
Traveling To Croatia: Places You Must Not Miss-out On
By: gordan zovko
Croatia is highly regarded as a peaceful and beautiful place to tour. The stunning beaches, architecture, and pilgrimage places make it a popular destination. Whether you are planning a vacation with family or a pilgrimage tour, Croatia is the right choice. Let's find out more about the country.(read
entire article)
View : 147 Times
Category : Travel
Catholic Tours
By: gordan zovko
Ever thought why natural calamities happen? Do you know who controls the birth and death of a person or any other living thing? If not, this article may help you getting the answers of all your queries. The article gives you a brief detail of all the pilgrimage tour packages where you will get all your answers.(read
entire article)
View : 125 Times
Category : Travel
An Overview Of Rome Pilgrimage Tour
By: gordan zovko
The popularity of pilgrimage increased more in the 1300 after the institution of the holy years. The much criticized medieval indulgence is usually associated with the reformation or crusades and almost always seen as the papacy's instrument. However the indulgences origins antedate the papal monarchy and the crusades.(read
entire article)
View : 116 Times
Category : Travel
Make A Visit To Italy Pilgrimage
By: gordan zovko
Italy is the famous catholic pilgrimage destination that receives millions of devotees every year. The article talks about famous pilgrimage places in Italy, things to see on your catholic tour, and more.(read
entire article)
View : 148 Times
Category : Travel
Catholic Tours Broaden The Spiritual Horizon
By: gordan zovko
A catholic tour deepens your faith and helps you explore the history and culture of far-away lands. You can visit so many beloved holy shrines and catholic sites with historical significance.(read
entire article)
View : 127 Times
Category : Travel
Popular Catholic Pilgrimage Destinations In The World
By: gordan zovko
There are several Catholic pilgrimage centers in different parts of the world. Pilgrimage in the Catholic Church started during the early days of the church. It is for this reason that Catholic faithful make it a duty to visit the Holy Land.(read
entire article)
View : 113 Times
Category : Travel
Pilgrimage To Rome: Definitely A "must-do"
By: gordan zovko
Over the centuries, Catholics and non-Catholics journeyed to Rome to exercise their faith or to live the experience of ancient times. There are plenty more reasons to visit Rome. It features on a must-do list for all people of faith.(read
entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : Travel
Making A Pilgrimage To Italy
By: gordan zovko
Are you planning a pilgrimage tour with your family and friends? If yes! You have come to the right place. There are countless travel agents that offer pilgrimage tour to Italy and other places. But you have to be sure that the travel agent you are hiring is providing you the best deal. This article will tell you the reasons why you should plan a pilgrimage tour to Italy.(read
entire article)
View : 82 Times
Category : Travel
The Emergence And Purpose Of Catholic Pilgrimage
By: gordan zovko
For most of us pilgrimage is the journey when we seek our true self for moral or spiritual significance. There are various Catholic sanctuaries and shrines across the world that are of religious and deep spiritual significance to the pilgrims.(read
entire article)
View : 68 Times
Category : Travel