Here's the recent articles submitted by aldert michels
Articles By aldert michels
E-cigarettes – The Facts You Need To Know
By: aldert michels
E-cigarettes also known as electronic cigarettes (elektronische zigarette) are a controversial product which, despite this is gaining popularity among cigarette smokers. They have been commonly associated with quit smoking efforts among users all around the world.(read
entire article)
View : 83 Times
Category : Health
E-cigarette Starter Kit, Which Is Best, Fit For You?
By: aldert michels
About a decade ago e-cigarettes also known as Electronic cigarettes (elektronische zigarette) were practically believed to be reserved for the wealthy. Today, the case is totally different. Electronic cigarettes are available for everyone who wants to quit smoking.(read
entire article)
View : 48 Times
Category : Health
What Is The Benefit Of An Electronic Cigarette Over A Regular Cigarette?
By: aldert michels
When you try and find out if electronic cigarettes have benefits over regular cigarettes, you are likely to find three answers. First and common with critics is that electronic cigarettes don't have any benefits.(read
entire article)
View : 49 Times
Category : Health
How Long Does The Electronic Cigarette Last?
By: aldert michels
If you are just starting out using electronic cigarettes, you might wonder how long your electronic cigarette will last. It's a common question among e-cig smokers. However, there isn't a definite answer to this question.(read
entire article)
View : 60 Times
Category : Health
Types Of Electronic Cigarettes
By: aldert michels
Since the electronic cigarette was introduced in china, manufacturers have availed this product to different markets across the globe. However, with the different modifications and brands available today, there has been a thin line between the types and styles of e cigarettes.(read
entire article)
View : 65 Times
Category : General