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Articles By dr sirisha sirisha

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Surgical Treatments For A Perfect And Sculpted Body   By: dr sirisha sirisha
The quest for a perfect figure is desirous in every person. However, it becomes difficult for some to accomplish this due to several unasked reasons. In this technologically advanced era, it has become possible to get rid of excess or 'stubborn' fat with the help of surgical treatments. Undergoing safe and professional procedure, having a perfect body is no more a distant dream.(read entire article)
View : 177 Times
Category : Health

Rhinoplasty And Its Immense Benefits   By: dr sirisha sirisha
The surgical reshaping of the nose is known as Rhinoplasty, a term derived from Greek words 'rhinos' (nose) and 'plassein' (to shape). The shape of a person's nose greatly contributes to the look of the face. A good nose is always considered as a mark of beauty.(read entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Health

Breast Augmentation Procedure In India   By: dr sirisha sirisha
Breast augmentation is one of the most common forms of aesthetic cosmetic surgery performed in India. Every year, thousands of women make the decision to undergo this procedure. The reasons that drive them forward are varied. If breast augmentation surgery is desired to improve appearance and add to confidence, the goals are likely to be met.(read entire article)
View : 166 Times
Category : Health

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