Here's the recent articles submitted by grant eckert
Articles By grant eckert
How To Determine The Quality Of An Online Nursing Program
By: grant eckert
The process of accreditation is not mandatory for nursing programs, but it is desirable. Accreditation is a voluntary program that schools can use to make sure that their program is on par with other schools across the country.(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Career
The Travel Nursing Profession In Brief
By: grant eckert
Travel nursing is a wonderful way to merge the nursing profession that you love, with a fondness for travel, meeting new people, and gaining new experiences. You can travel to and work in different locations and medical facilities around the country as a travel nurse or as a travel nursing professional.(read
entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Career
Nursing, The Next 10 Years, A Brief Overview
Submitted as: Craig Elliott
The outlook for individuals considering entering the nursing field is excellent. Registered nurses, or RN's, make up the largest number of health care workers in the country. In addition, registered nurses will make up one of the fasted growing population of workers in all occupations over the next ten years.(read
entire article)
View : 281 Times
Category : Career
The Importance Of Bedside Manner In Nursing
Submitted as: Craig Elliott
The outlook for individuals considering entering the nursing field is excellent. Registered nurses, or RN's, make up the largest number of health care workers in the country. In addition, registered nurses will make up one of the fasted growing population of workers in all occupations over the next ten years.(read
entire article)
View : 190 Times
Category : Career
How To Obtain An Educational Loan For Nursing School
By: grant eckert
In many cases, when you decide to go to nursing school, one of the first things you will need to take care of is applying for an educational loan.(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Career
How To Receive A Nursing Scholarship
By: grant eckert
The first step in receiving any sort of scholarship or financial aid for college is to complete the FAFSA. FAFSA, or free application for student aid, is a form that is filled out by every student wishing to be considered for college tuition.(read
entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Career
Important Steps To Complete Before Applying For Nursing School
Submitted as: Craig Elliott
According to the Bureau of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook, the demand for skilled nurses is at an all-time high, and is only expected to go higher. Between now and 2016, the nursing occupation will generate nearly 600,000 new jobs, and hundreds of thousands of positions that already exist will need to be filled.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Career
Introduction To Nursing Theory
Submitted as: Craig Elliott
One of the most important required classes that you will take in nursing school is Introduction to Nursing Theory. Nursing Theory has a fairly broad definition, encompassing many different schools of thought on what nursing should be or how it should be practiced. The study of Nursing Theory includes learning about the numerous models of nursing that have been proposed, many of them in the last twenty years or so.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Career
Nurse Training And Education
Submitted as: Stephanie Larkin
There is a growing demand for workers in the health care industry. The demand is only expected to increase as baby boomers age, increasing their need for health care while at the same time retiring from these positions in record numbers. The outlook for those interested in a career in nursing is very good. Although the education required to become a nurse is intensive, the pay scale is lucrative and many hospitals provide tuition reimbursement.(read
entire article)
View : 340 Times
Category : Career
Nursing Employment Game Plan, How To Find The Best Job And Salary In Your New Career
Submitted as: Stephanie Larkin
Considering the current the shortage of nurses, it would seem that finding your dream nursing job would be relatively simple. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Because of the competitive atmosphere in the health care industry, it takes time, energy and planning to find your perfect job. Taking a proactive stance in your career development is the best way to find your ideal position.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Career