Here's the recent articles submitted by wayne m
Articles By wayne m
Designer Furniture By Eileen Gray
Submitted as: zack Fair
Eileen Gray was born in 1878 in Ireland and became a renowned architect and furniture designer of her time, but has quickly become forgotten over time. Her pieces are still sought after now and bring in millions at auctions due to their timeless nature and well-designed features. She worked mainly in London and had her own shop there that she was able to bring her designs to the public.(read
entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Furniture
Living In An Apartment: Landlord Issues
Submitted as: zack Fair
Living in an apartment can be a very exhilarating experience—especially if you are just moving out of your parent’s house. But because you are young, your landlord may seem to be harsh on you. However, that is not the case. Landlords have a lot of experience when it comes to leasing an apartment to young adults, and know that a firm hand is needed in order for both parties to remain amicable.(read
entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Business
Apartment Guide: Living On Campus And Renting A Place Off Campus
Submitted as: zack Fair
When you are in college you have the option of living on campus or renting a place off campus. When you choose to rent off-campus, an apartment is generally the best bet. College roommates generally have a lot in common when they live together and there are a lot of perks to having roommates during college.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Business
Find A Roommate: Apartment Hunting
Submitted as: zack Fair
When you are just starting out on your own, you may decide that it would be more beneficial to have a roommate. If you decide from the very beginning that you want a roommate, then you will have a lot of options on the place you can rent. By pooling your resources together from the start, you will find that it can be fun to hunt for an apartment to rent as well as make it easier to make a decision on what rent range you want.(read
entire article)
View : 296 Times
Category : Business
Arlington Dallas Apartment: The Right Place To Live
Submitted as: zack Fair
Arlington is conveniently located in the center of Dallas and Forth Worth metro areas. Because of this it offers residents the convenience of big city life as well as small town living. But do not let the small town feel of Arlington fool you. Arlington is home to professional sports teams and their stadiums as well as being a center for higher education.(read
entire article)
View : 321 Times
Category : Business
Potable Water From Sea And Wind
Submitted as: Roger Kelson and Gary Crisp
Western Australia's Water Corporation is on track to produce drinking water form a 45GL/a desalination plant located in Kwinana, 25km south of Perth. The plant is being built by proAlliance - a 50/50 joint venture between West Australian construction company Multiplex and French water treatment company Degremont.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Environment
Architect And Designer Le Corbusier
Submitted as: zack Fair
Le Corbusier was born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris in 1887 and was an architect and designer as well as being a writer, urbanist and painter. He was a pioneer in modern high design studies and many of his designs are reproduced today with minor changes.(read
entire article)
View : 290 Times
Category : Business
Fixing Up An Apartment Can Be A Lot Of Fun With Your Landlords Help
Submitted as: zack Fair
When you move into an apartment you are leasing, you may feel like you have every right to make changes so that you feel at home. But you need to check with your landlord to see if your changes are ok with him or her. Depending on the changes that are to be made, your landlord may offer to pay for the materials that you will need to complete the repairs and fix-ups.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Business
Living In An Apartment With A Roommate
Submitted as: zack Fair
Living close to where you work can be a real bargain, especially now with the cost of gas rising. Driving a long distance to work is not feasible when you are trying to save money anymore. By getting an apartment that is closer to your workplace and a roommate, you will be saving yourself a lot of money. Aside from having a roommate to share the rent, he or she can also help to pay the utility bills and groceries.(read
entire article)
View : 272 Times
Category : Business
College Roommates: Pros And Cons
Submitted as: zack Fair
Living with a roommate can be a very rewarding experience. It can also have some drawbacks if you and your roommate get off on the wrong foot. In college, most freshmen students are required to live in dorms on campus and have no say in choosing their roommates. Later, they may have their pick of roommates as they finish school or when they are out and starting work.(read
entire article)
View : 333 Times
Category : Social Community