Here's the recent articles submitted by wayne m
Articles By wayne m
Royalty Free Music: Production Music Libraries
Submitted as: zack Fair
Production music is a relatively new thing as far as music is concerned. With the advent of music being utilized in media industries, there has become a need to provide a way for producers to access music in a legal manner for their productions. Product music libraries provide royalty free music to producers and consumers who are looking to find music tracks in a legal manner to avoid any licensing headaches that can arise from utilizing pirated music.(read
entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Art
Desalination Part 3 Of 4: Getting Better All The Time
Submitted as: cherish hill
Continued from Desalination Part 2: No Salt, Please..........
In the late 1970s John Cadotte of America’s Midwest Research Institute and the FilmTec Corporation created a much-improved membrane by using a special cross-linking reaction between two chemicals atop a porous backing material. His composite membrane consisted of a very thin layer of polyamide, to perform the separation, and a sturdy support beneath it. Thanks to the membrane’s improved water flux, and its ability to tolerate pH and temperature variations, it went on to dominate the industry. At around the same time, the first reverse-osmosis plants for seawater began to appear.(read
entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Environment
Desalination Part 4 Of 4: Measuring The Impact
Submitted as: zack Fair
Continued from Desalination Part 3: Getting Better All the Time.........
A bigger problem may be the leftover brine, which typically contains twice as much salt as seawater and is discharged back into the ocean. So far little scientific information exists about its long-term effects. In the past, most big seawater-desalination plants were built in places that did not conduct adequate environmental assessments, says Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, a think-tank based in California that published a report on desalination in 2006. But as plants are built in areas with tighter environmental restrictions, more information is becoming available.(read
entire article)
View : 302 Times
Category : Environment
Contemporary Furniture Designer: Functional And Ergonomic
Submitted as: zack Fair
Isamu Noguchi was a prominent Japanese-American artist and landscape architect who was born in 1904. He designed several lamps and furniture pieces that were mass-produced that are still being produced and sold today. His designs were deliberately made to make something useful in everyday life, as well as look attractive and contemporary. He is mainly known for his lamps and some pieces of furniture.(read
entire article)
View : 312 Times
Category : Art
The Search For The Right Apartment For Rent
Submitted as: zack Fair
If you are searching for an apartment for rent, has apartment ratings and reviews. Thousands of apartments for rent are available on the list and you need not spend your valuable time and energy in search for apartments as the portal will give all detail on them.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Business
Apartment Living Can Be Lots Of Fun
Submitted as: zack Fair
Living in an apartment can be a lot of fun. You have a smaller area to turn into a home, so decorating on a budget is extremely easy. Each room in the apartment can be turned into a room with a little personality just by adding little touches here and there. Decorating an apartment that you live in is rather simple and should not take too much thought because the rooms on average are relatively small.(read
entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Business
Roommate Finder Websites
Submitted as: zack Fair
Living with a roommate is a lot of fun. You have someone who is your age and is more than likely interested in some of the same things as you are. If you get to choose a roommate on your own, you can decide on a roommate who shares the same interests. In the technologically advanced era that we now find ourselves, there are more places than ever to search for and find the perfect roommate.(read
entire article)
View : 266 Times
Category : Business
Think Twice Before Signing That Lease
Submitted as: zack Fair
While getting into a new place can be exciting, don't let that excitement blind you to some major things to watch for in an apartment. While you may think you've found the perfect apartment, check these things out first before you sign that lease.(read
entire article)
View : 275 Times
Category : Business
Strength Training
Submitted as: zack Fair
Strength training uses resistance and muscular contraction in order to strengthen and build up the size and endurance of skeletal muscles. The most common forms of strength training are isometric training and resistance training, both of which use either gravity or elastic forces to get opposing muscular contractions. Strength training uses three different variants when describing exercises: intensity, volume and frequency.(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Health
Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons
Submitted as: John Bickerton
Antonio Vivaldi’s best-known composition is a set of violin concertos composed in 1723 entitled the Four Seasons (Le quattro stagioni). The Four Seasons is actually four individual violin concertos that have been grouped together, each labeled for one of the seasons of the year. Each concerto (each season) is in three movements with a slow movement set between two faster ones(read
entire article)
View : 304 Times
Category : Music