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How To Get Your Ex Back-best Guide-00-5331

Breaking up can really be painful and tough, especially if we do not learn how to deal with it effectively. So follow the guide below to get you on the right track to getting your ex back.
Renewing your mindset before getting your ex back.
Mindset matter: Look, who is the loser here?
It feels so bad beyond words can say when we are dumped by someone we are in love with. It seems like the world crashes down and everything around us has lost its colors, meanings and purpose. Rejection is painful and nobody likes to be a loser.Your confidence is greatly shaken.But remember that you are not a loser but a winner because Winner never quits.The fact that you are looking for help and guide to get your ex back shows that you are a winner and not a quitter. People think (mindsets) that if you get dumped you are a loser but that is so wrong! Losers are those who quit or give up. But you did not give up even when things look so hopeless and this is exactly the winning attitude you must maintain in your quest to get your ex back.
Making the First and Most Important Move Using the Power of Agreement ...
... and the Power of Words to Get your Ex Back
I am sure when your ex or you broke up you tried everything you know how to restore your relationship in order to get your ex back. Have you tried saying sorry and making promises but still did not work out.You see if your ex had decided to move on there is no point in trying to get your ex back by begging your ex to give you another chance, promising you will be good and that you will make it up to him/her. Begging your friends or families to have a talk with your ex is not going to help at this point.Instead it will create more tension and confusing atmosphere resulting in more conflicts. And this is not a good environment for building relationship.
The first and most important thing to do in this situation is to totally agree with your ex. Agree that your ex is right and that (for now) it is better that you part ways. Call your ex by phone and tell your ex that he or she was probably right and that you are sorry for bothering him or her. Tell your ex that you are thankful for the good times you both had and what a great guy or girl he or she have been to you. After that just change the subject and politely hang up with a good excuse. Important: After you change the subject do not talk for too long and remember to be the first to hang up.
Things you should never do: When you are on the phone with your ex do not give the impression that you are needy, weak and sad. Use a warm, cheerful, friendly tone and be lively. If this is too hard for you then just pretend or fake it.
Please read on to understand why this is most crucial in getting your ex back and how this all works.
So let me explain point by point below on why you should be doing this in order to get your ex back.
Point 1. After the break up you tried persuading your ex to agree with you when your ex have decided to go his or her own way. That makes matters worst. It only creates conflict between the two of you right. So at this point the best thing and the smartest thing to do is to agree with your ex. This brings peace, a sigh of relief, within you and your ex. and peaceful atmosphere or environment is most crucial in building a successful relationship including broken relationship. A negative, stressed and tensed atmosphere tears up relationship.
Point 2. When you tell your ex that he or she was right you are actually complimenting him or her.In a way you are saying that your ex is smart.One of the most powerful words and powerful way to give a compliment is saying the word "You are right". How does it feel when someone tells you that you are right about a particular problem etc? Do you feel bad or good? Good right and I bet you would not mind getting more compliments. It is really hard to hate or dislike someone who gives you compliment.
Point 3. How does it feel when you find someone, it could be your friend or anyone, with similar interest or like-minded people. We feel secure.confident, free to express ourselves, there is genuine respect and we have better understanding for each other. This is the kind of environment that you create when you agree with your ex. It calms the storm of disagreement and conflict inside both of you and this keep the relationship open and makes peaceful bridge for both of you to connect.
Point 4. The word sorry can soften hearts, heal and mend it.It conveys the message that you care and understand your ex and his or her situation. This word will make your ex feel sorry for you too in the long run which will spark up those feelings of love that he or she once had for you. Remember this we always reap what we sow.
Point 5. Thanking him or her for the love and the good times that you had together will soothe, soften and nourish your heart as well as his or hers. Remember ' A merry heart does well like a medicine.This will work more on your behalf.
Point 6. If your ex impression of you was you begging him or her to give you another chance or anything like that. Your ex would feel reluctant to contact you again for fear that he or she might hurt you again, make you feel lonely, make you miss him or her or give you the wrong impression that he or she is coming back to you again. But when you agree and tell that your ex was right, and that you are sorry and that you thank him or her for the good times, he or she will definitely feel free to contact you again.
Point 7. You are actually acting on two timeless principle that works and which is the foundation for building relationships, good or bad. "Whatever you sow you reap" and "do unto others as you would want others to do to you".
Here is how the principle works.
When you tell your ex that he or she was right and that you are sorry, you are saying that you care and understand and this will make and cause your ex to care and understand you too. And when you thank him/her for the good times, this will cause and make your ex to be thankful and recall those good times you both had together. And again this will spark up those special bond and feelings that resides within you and your ex.
Point 8. Best of all this will help you to release those hurts and negative emotions that you have been holding on to.This will also put you on the road to recover your mental wounds and gradually you will be up on your feet again.
Alternative move you can make to get your ex back.
Friendly Warning: Use this move only if your ex is an over-confident and a big egoist. Call up your ex and tell your ex that he or she was probably right about the breakup and that it is good for both of you.Tell your ex that you have always been thinking about breaking up with him or her but you could not bring it up for some reasons. And tell your ex of how unhappy you used to be when you were with him/her though you did not show it.And that the two of you were not meant to be with each other. And thank your ex for bringing that up. Then change the subject and hang up with a big casual bye.
Important: Do not sound so serious and cold here but be friendly, confident and happy.
This will give a big blow to your ex ego and will shake his or her self -confidence (there is no confidence that cannot be shaken). Your ex will realize that he or she have not been a good lover at all and would want to prove it to you again.
This will also give a strong impression to your ex that you are a strong and self-confident person, not a weak and pathetic loser. Your ex will also be very curious about you. And that is absolutely important in getting your ex attention.
Note: This will work if it is an ego-thing.
Signs that shows your ex wants you back. Important before making further moves to get your ex back.
Your ex may not want to directly show that he or she wants you back simply because your ex was the one who took the initiative to break up with you. But there are signs that will help you to know whether your ex wants you back or not.So watch out for the following signs.
1. Your ex boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife still communicates with you time to time or occasionally
2. Your ex boyfriend/husband or girlfriend/wife do not mind at all to go out with you or to spend some time with you
3. Your ex often gives compliment about the way you look or your new dress or some things that you do casually. It could be anything
4. Your ex never talks about a new girlfriend or boyfriend. This shows that he/she still cares and is open for a fresh start with you
5. Your ex lied to you about having a new girlfriend or boyfriend in order to get you to talk about your new girlfriend or boyfriend.This way your ex will know whether you have found someone new or not. Make sure to double check your ex on this one.
6. Your ex girlfriend or boyfriend casually tells you that friendship is much more better than being lovers and asked your opinion on it. It means she or he love being with you and wants you to take the initiative to reunite
7. Your ex remembers your birthday.
8. Your ex boyfriend or girlfriend often advice you to go for other guys or girls. It means your ex badly wanted you to say those words that she/he has been longing to hear. Example "you know Mary or John you are the only person that I have truly love and the only guy or girl that I have ever wanted". Anything along those lines. Your ex is longing for those times when you were so crazy about him/her and those times when you use to give your full attention to her /him. Your ex is putting you on a test to know whether you truly love him/her.
9. Your ex April fooled you. (This one is good). It means your ex wants to have fun with you.
10. Your ex tells you that he/she is not planning to get married yet. Another sign to show that your ex is still open for a fresh start with you.
11. Your ex is very happy when she/he is around you. (Do not think that your ex is probably happy because he/she broke up with you)
12. Your ex does not mind at all to flirt with you. This could mean your ex wants to reunite or your ex may just want to have sex with you. So be careful with this one.
13. Your ex tells you that he/she is only interested with his/her new job or career etc and tells you how important it is to him/her. It means your ex is open for a fresh start with you. It also means that your ex is having a tough time trying to keep you out of his/her head.
14. Your ex is out dating with someone and somehow you came to know about it. This means that your ex wants to make you jealous or punish you. She/he deliberately did it in such a way that you will come to know about it. Your ex is just using that person she/he is dating to get at you. Your ex is craving for attention here
15. Your ex changes her/his mobile phone number, emails, etc and you have no way to contact your ex. This could be for months and even years. It means your ex is giving you the silent cold treatment and is punishing you so that you will treat him/her right and not do or say those things that hurts and disappoint your ex anymore.
16. Your ex is quite open with you, talks more than she/he used to. It means your ex wants to please you.
For more resources watch the video on the link below:
About the Author:
I have had my share of ups and downs in relationship and have learn through trials and errors that it is possible to get your ex back.It's all about knowing the right thing to do and say and that at the right time.I strongly recommend that you visit the link above for best resource on breakups.
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