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When To Seek Help Through Trauma Therapy
There are two types of trauma that can occur in anyone's life. There can be a single, traumatic incident that an individual may be involved in or witness. For example, a person may be in a horrific car accident, have a death in the family, or they may experience a fire, a robbery or some other type of accident or injury.
Trauma can also occur over time in more of a chronic pattern. The child that is bullied at school, the person in an abusive relationship, a person living in a dangerous location or a person that is constantly harassed or treated poorly by others. People exposed to constant discrimination or those that are in situations where they at high-risk may also experience chronic trauma.
Regardless of the type of trauma, it is often overlooked as the cause of depression, anxiety, relationship problems and even fear of specific places, locations or events. Often it is a significant amount of time before the individual seeks trauma therapy and even then, often only after referral by a medical doctor.
Know the Signs of Trauma
Understanding the signs of trauma, which are typically changes in behaviour ...
... and in physical and mental health, is important for everyone. Often clients come to Philippe Jacquet & Associates for trauma therapy after a loved-one recognises the struggles that the individual is going through and is able to make the connection.
As a self-assessment or as a general guideline for a loved one, the following issues may be linked to trauma:
• Emotional outburst that are uncharacteristic
• Anger or sadness for no discernible reasons
• Inability to focus or to make decisions
• Inability to complete routine tasks at home or at work
• Problems in maintaining or initiating relationships
• Social withdrawal and isolation
• Avoidance of specific situations, locations or people
• Lack of energy and high levels of physical and emotional fatigue
• Periods of racing heart rate and respiration
• Times where the person flees or freezes in a situation
• Flashbacks, nightmares or reoccurring memories of the trauma
Other issues can also have these same symptoms, so seeking help from the professional psychotherapists and counsellors at Philippe Jacquet & Associates can identify the specific issue and develop a comprehensive, integrated treatment plan.
It is critical to understand that trauma is a normal response to fear, loss and sudden or unwelcome change. Through trauma therapy at Philippe Jacquet & Associates in central London, it is possible to address the cause of the trauma in a safe, therapeutic environment and learn new, healthier methods to cope.
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