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Resolve Your Resolutions With These New Years Gifts!

Resolve your Resolutions with these New Years Gifts!
As the clock counts down to midnight, the past year is soon forgotten as the New Year lies openly before us! It's a time when people make resolutions for the coming year. The New Year to some can be viewed as a fresh start or a chance to make some improvements. You could choose to change your career, a new lifestyle, a new home, a chance to do something different, improve on the old and perhaps give up some bad habits too. Whatever your New Year's resolutions may be, be sure to click online to where you will find a wealth of gifts, gadgets and gizmos to help you onto the right track!
The majority of New Year's resolutions revolve around our health. Gym memberships soar in January, with newbies vowing to swap tasty (but naughty) treats for the treadmill! But why spend a fortune on a membership, (which let's face it, you may use for the first month or so, before the novelty wears off) when you could invest your hard earned money in the Fridge Decision Maker instead! For yourself or anyone you know that ...
... wishes to shed a few post Christmas pounds, this Fridge Decision Maker is for you! What's more it won't cost you the earth either; in fact it's less than a fiver! Shaped and looking like a tantalisingly Cherry Bakewell tart, the Talking Diet Decision Maker will stop you in your tracks when you go to reach for an unnecessary snack. Simply stick it or place it near where you keep your indulgent food stash, be it in the fridge, your nibble cupboard or the biscuit barrel! Then the next time you have a craving, just press the cherry button first to be greeted with phrases such as 'A second on the lips, is a lifetime on the hips'. With other phrases like 'Those who indulge, bulge' and 'Naughty pickers, wear big knickers', the phrases should be enough to remind you about your diet and therefore deter you away from that sneaky slice of cream filled cake or crafty chocolate bar! One thing's for sure, it sure beats running for miles on a treadmill or artificially rowing the channel!
Another popular New Year's resolution is to give up smoking or at least to cut down. The Milano Electronic Cigarettes make great gifts for those who are seeking an alternative to smoking. The Milano Electronic Cigarette looks, feels and tastes like a real cigarette but without the smoke and tar, thanks to state of the art micro-technology. There is no danger of second hand smoke either and it's virtually odourless, making it harmless to others.
The Milano Electronic Cigarette Starter Pack also comes with a charger, power lead and 3 Nicotine cartridges. Each cartridge is equivalent to 15 traditional cigarettes and Milano Cigarette refills are also available from The Milano Cigarette is not a cessation device; instead it offers reduced health risk and is much cheaper than traditional smoking, making it kinder on the pocket as well as the lungs.
Will the New Year be the year you get out and stay out of debt? Christmas can be such a drain on the bank balance, which so many people continue to pay it off well into the New Year. This is why the Electronic Coin Counting Money Bank Safe makes a great gift. Instead of feeding the high street banks, why not pocket all your change in this bank safe instead? This mini safe has a digital coin counter that keeps track of every single penny that you deposit into it. But not only that, it also has a combination lock to keep your savings safe! You can set your own code to open the keypad too.
This marvellous mini safe takes 3 X AAA batteries and only measures approximately 10cm x 10cm x 9 cm, so it can be stored anywhere and easily hidden too! The terrific Electronic Coin Counting Money Bank is ideal for saving up your money to either help pay off debts, to save towards a treat or to put towards next Christmas's bill!
So whether you are looking for gadgets to help you with New Year's resolutions or birthday gifts to help friends and family continue with theirs, take a look online to, where you cannot fail to find something suitable for someone you know!
Jessie Jones
Find Me A Gift
Because giving feels good......
Jessie Jones joined Find Me A Gift in May 2008 and has been writing fabulous articles for us ever since!
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