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Sales-cloud-consultant Exam Questions
Question: 1
Territory Mgt (why use it?) - choose 3 answers:
A. Sales commissions
B. Currency reconciliation
C. Data access rules for accounts & opportunities
D. Assigning accounts to territories
E. Alignment of overlay sales teams
Answer: C,D,E
Question: 2
What are the factors that influence salesmetricsdrive KPI's and form key business challenges?
A. Weak pipeline
B. Low productivity (sales rep)
C. Poor predictability (forecast)
D. Ineffective selling
Answer: A
Question: 3
What are the factors that influence marketing metrics and drive key marketing business
A. Insufficient lead generation
B. Poor alignment with sales
C. Measuring marketing ROI
Answer: A
Question: 4
Which of the following statements are true about the Opportunity field, "Stage"? (Select all that
A. There are 10 default stage values, based on a commonly used sales methodology.
B. The list ofdefault stage values cannot be ...
... edited or added.
C. There are othersales methodologies that can be downloaded from the AppExchange and used
within Salesforce
Answer: A,C
Question: 5
What happens if you change a private group to public in Chatter?
If you change a private group to public, updates and files are visible to all users, all pending requests to join the group are accepted, and anyone can join the group.
Question: 6
Which best describes the Salesforce Automation feature "Sales Processes" ?
A. Ensures that we are tracking our progress towards thedesired states.
B. Enforces the business process.
C. Identifies key stakeholders from the buy side.
D. Makes sure we recognize those involved in the sales process.
E. Allows to better automaticthe salesmethodology.
F. Determines the sales stages of an organization.
Answer: F
Question: 7
Arrange the steps to create a record in the correct order (using Salesforce Classic).
A. Select Save from the menu
B. Open the recordsin the list view or highlight the object tab
C. Open the menu and select New
D. Enter the record details in the specified fields
Answer: A,B,C,D
Question: 8
If you are using multiple currencies are you able to track revenue gain or loss based on currency
NO: Historical changes and fluctuations are not stored.
Question: 9
How can end users work with Salesforce for Outlook? (Select all that apply)
A. Define Outlook configurations
B. Assign configurations tootheir users with their profile
C. Install Salesforce forOutlook
D. Select Outlook sync folders
Answer: C,D
Question: 10
Forecast Category "Commit" can be summarized as:
A. Closed
B. Closed + Commit
C. Closed + Commit + Best Case
D. Commit + Best Case + Pipeline
Answer: B
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