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Spooktacular Gifts!

Spooktacular Gifts!
October is the month when we finally give in to the cold and don our winter woollies! As the leaves change from green to gold, the clocks go back and the witches and ghosts come out to play as October 31st is Halloween. The name itself comes from All Hallow Even, the eve of All Hallows day, which is perhaps better known as All Saints Day. The exact origins of Halloween remain a mystery, but it is thought to be the one night of the year when ghosts, witches and fairies are especially active.
It is also a night filled with costumes, Jack-o-lanterns, apple-bobbing and of course trick or treat! has brewed up some truly ghoulish gifts to help you get into the spirit of the night. So grab your broomsticks and mix up the perfect potion for Halloween with the following gifts, if you dare that is...mawhahahaa!
For all you monsters and ghouls, why not complete your outfits by sinking your gnashers into the Gnarly Teeth Set? It is a fabulously garish set of 9 gruesome teeth that are made from soft plastic so they can be easily slipped ...
... over your teeth. So once you have chosen your pair, you could always let your fellow ghouls take a bite out of what's left! Whether you decide to dress up as a classic Vampire, a Werewolf or a Corpse, there is a set of scary teeth to match your equally scary outfits.
They say that ringing a bell scares evil spirits away, however when you hear your doorbell ring on All Hallows Eve, you usually find a bunch of kids stood there trick or treating! Instead of opening up the door to their creepy costumes, why not turn the tables and frighten them by standing in your doorway in the Butchered - Novelty Kitchen Apron? This chilling apron is covered in fake bloodstains and is perfect for a night of horrors! There is no need to dress up in dungarees and a hockey mask; leave the chainsaw and cleaver behind and cut a bloodcurdling impression in seconds by simply slipping on this Butchered Apron. Just remember not to wear it though when the new neighbours pop round for a cup of tea!
But if you want to go all out and transform yourself into a real ogre, then step on into the Incredible Inflatable Hulk Fancy Dress Costume! This amazing costume consists of a green and purple one- piece outfit that turns you into the Hulk in a blink. But instead of anger being the trigger, you just have to press the ON button on the battery fan pack; this then inflates the costume in seconds. The only thing you really need to worry about is painting your face and hands green. Then you can clench your teeth and furrow your brow a pose like no other green painted muscle man can.
Along with the pumpkins and cobwebs on your doorstep, why not hang the Blood Bath Shower Curtain across your door or porch too? You can turn your home into a real house of horrors with this spine chilling white shower curtain that has bloodstained hand prints trickling down the front. Your porch will look like pyscho-ville and will make trick or treaters think twice about pulling back the curtain...well you know that's always one of the scariest parts in horror movies!
However, if that doesn't get them screaming, then how about a Crawling Zombie Animated Toy to get the goose bumps going? This is a really great ghoulish gadget that will have Halloween party guests jumping onto the sofas. This gruesome Zombie has gory roaring growls, flashing demonic red eyes and manically moving arms and hands and looks like he has just crawled out of a ghastly grave. With his rapid crawling action he can creep across the carpet straight to you (thanks to 3 x AA batteries included)! This Zombie may look terrifying but he does have a humorous side too. You can either be silently horrified or switch the sound on and be humoured by his phrases like; 'I can't feel my legs'! The Crawling Zombie really is a dead good laugh that would add some 'life' to your grisly themed get-togethers.
You can flash your fangs, cackle your head off, dress up in bandages and empty a tomato sauce bottle all over your seemingly decapitated head to evoke the essence of Halloween. But in actual fact there is one unanimous thing that strikes fear into most people and that is SPIDERS. Eww, just saying the words can make your skin crawl. So for the ultimate fear factor for your Halloween special, how about letting the Remote Control Tarantula - Remote Control Spider out of his gift box?
This remote controlled tarantula is a very realistic, furry textured spider that will scare the heebie-jeebies out of everyone, including you! You can manoeuvre this hairy, scary, scurrying spider with the included Spider Egg RC Remote Control. With menacing eyes that flash red and its eight legs that move independently, he is guaranteed to scare the living daylights and the cobwebs out of unsuspecting folks.
Incy-wincy spider this is not! Instead this creepy crawly chappie will have people running for the hills, or up onto the nearest chair, screaming like Marv (the Wet Bandit Burglar out of Home Alone), as you sneakily guide it about! You could hide him under a silver plate cloche on the dining room table and when your guests lift the cover off you can make the Tarantula scuttle across the table and onto their plates! Be warned though, this Halloween accessory could get you into some 'hubble bubble, toil and trouble'!
Apart from eyes of newts and toes of frogs, here at we have got tonnes of tricks and treats to get you all set for wickedly spooky Halloween. So light up your Jack-o-lanterns, conjure up your eerie costumes and enjoy a spellbinding night of spooktacular fun!
Jessie Jones
Find Me A Gift
Because giving feels good......
Jessie Jones joined Find Me A Gift in May 2008 and has been writing fabulous articles for us ever since!
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