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Study Claiming Link Between Prostate Cancer And Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids Deeply Flawed
Among the continuous disputes surrounding health supplements is whether they're actually helpful for you or not. It is true, that numerous supplements do not have medical proof backing up any genuine health advantages. The latest weight reduction pills are an excellent example of that. However numerous nutritional supplements do have medical proof backing up solid health advantages. Omega 3 fish oil is one of them which is why it is possibly the most commonly advised supplement by health care specialists.
Just recently, one research study, completed by researchers at the Seattle based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and published in July 2013 in the “Journal of National Cancer Institute" suggested that higher omega 3 levels may result in a greater risk of prostate cancer and that supplementing with omega 3 could really be unhealthy. This got significant play and many individuals got a scare since they were taking omega 3 supplements everyday.
This research study has actually turned out to be very controversial, but it hasn't triggered that much dispute per say. In truth, essentially all experts have shown ...
... significant concerns with the design of the research study and it's conclusions. Nobody in the medical community (beyond possibly the researchers who developedthis this) analysis accepts that it has any credibility at all. For that reason, not much dispute-- simply universal concern that such a flawed conclusion would be published in the way that it was.
The study identified one population of men that had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and one population of men that had actually not been diagnosed. One draw of blood plasma from each person was analyzed for omega 3 levels and it was observed that the group with prostate cancer had a slightly higher level of omega 3 essential fatty acids than the group that had not been diagnosed. Based on this, researchers published their conclusions that higher levels of omega 3 could lead to higher incidence or prostate cancer.
Here are the major reasons this conclusion is not at all valid and why no credible institution should even have published such an unjustified conclusion:.
• The research study was an observational research study only and observation by itself can reveal an association, but does not connect a cause and effect. This is one of the most basic of rules and theory in scientific analysis yet these researchers opted to imply a cause and effect from a simple observation (which was flawed anyhow as we shall see).
• The population of men that had not been diagnosed were not actually tested for prostate cancer. There is no genuine information on whether any of them were cancer free or otherwise.
• Blood plasma was used for the analysis rather than red blood cells. Plasma analysis just indicates short term results and does provide long term levels. Omega 3 levels would be raised in blood plasma several hours after taking a supplement or eating fish but after 2 Days would not show anything.
• Although the research study concluded omega 3 supplementation could be unhealthy, no information was collected to determine how or when it was ingested. No information to comprehend whether it was through supplementation, or simply eating fish.
• No information was used to determine other threat factors such as excessive weight, race, or age. Of particular note, this information was available but researchers selected not to include it, suggesting they were attempting to make a certain association that would not have been possible if this was taken into account.
• The researchers did not discuss why they would conclude that higher omega 3 levels can lead to increased incidence of prostate cancer but yet in nations where oily fish (a primary source of omega 3 in diet plan) is a staple, such as Japan, the incidence of prostate cancer has historically been among the lowest around the world.
Omega 3 fish oil has actually been and continues to be the subject of thousands of medical research studies, tying to establish and measure its health advantages-- or disprove them. Numerous of these trials have been inconclusive so we actually do not comprehend all the health advantages they bring-- or whether they bring as many as some would wish. The medical world does agree nonetheless, that overall omega 3 EFA's are good for you and everyone needs adequate levels for good health.
If you have any issues about making use of omega 3 fish oil for your health, talk to your health care service provider. Do not be alarmed by baseless and thoroughly unprofessional studird with no credibility.
Ballena Nelle is a premium supplier of health supplements. You can find their Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements at Choose Ballena Nelle today for better health.
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