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Learn The Truth About Mlm Opportunities
If you have been unsuccessful at earning a living online, then multi level marketing might appear to be the answer for some people. However, this is one area of marketing that is filled with horror stories of people cheating, scamming and taking advantage of each other. You couldn't possibly be really considering this. Of course, you aren't going to think about this anymore. But nevertheless, it might still somewhat hold your interest. If for some strange reason you still feel compelled to try multi level marketing, then maybe the following reasons can help you to break free.
In MLM people want you to become a part of their down line. They say that this will be easier than trying to start a business on your own. This is such an untruth. It is a lot better to create a product and begin your own business with it. You end up with more of the money in the end. Do not work for another person instead of yourself. You own what you sell. As the product owner, any proceeds are yours. But, with MLM it will be a rule to deal with quotas. With MLM, you have an obligation to pay for registration and the right to be a member. In the ...
... long run it is much more hassle than it is worth.
They try to take the heat off of MLM by claiming that it is not a pyramid scam because they are selling physical merchandise. The truth is that the way in which MLM is set up is almost exactly like those pyramid schemes. Just because you are not mailing your cash does not mean you are not getting scammed. Because this was so hard to handle, the courts made a ruling. You have to sell a minimum of 70 percent to a non distributor. If something falls below this ratio it is considered a scam.
Many multi level marketing recruiters will tell you that there is no risk involved with this type of business. This is because if you don't sell the product that has been delivered to you, you can always sell it back to the company and get your investment returned to you. Many times these types of programs have plenty of rules on how to do this. The time frame to return products is miniscule. Seldom will you receive the same sum of money that you paid for the product.
MLM might look like a profitable idea, until you get inside. It is for this reason that people who are new to the internet often get suckered in. Do not let them scam you. The things said in this article are only some of the reasons of why MLM is not a good deal in the long run. If you looked in the right places, you could find more reasons on your own.
Source 1: Mary Kay Training
Source 2:
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