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Can Semi Precious Stones Help You Live A Longer Life?

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By Author: Nena Hill
Total Articles: 87
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Long before pharmacy\'s were dolling out pills like they were free lottery tickets, Mother Nature was providing a cure for what ails you and probably doing a much better job. In addition to herbs and natural remedies, Semi precious stones and their potential healing properties has been well-documented through the passage of time.

Historically, semi precious stones have been used primarily for healing and spiritual rituals. In modern times the significance of semi precious stones and their potential healing properties has been lost somewhat as gems tend to be used more to enhance physical beauty and appearance. {But in reality the reason semi-precious gems were (and still are) so important is due to the power bestowed on those who wear them~But in reality, the reason semi precious stones are still coveted is due to the power believed to be achieved by those who wear them~But in reality, the reason semi precious gems are still so ...
... important is due to the power believed to be achieved by those who wear them}.

Modern science recognizes semi precious stones and crystals for their technological uses in objects such as computers, watches and even lasers. But for those \"in the know,\" semi precious stones and their potential healing properties are used to promote physical healing in the body, cleanse the soul and restore the balance of human emotions.

{To be sure, the \"family\" of semiprecious stones and gems is large, but all semi-precious stones - be they quartz or crystal - share many traits:~Of course, the \"family\" of semiprecious gems and stones is large, but all semi-precious stones - be they quartz or crystal - share many characteristics:}

- All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for their therapeutic cures.

{- Semi precious stones emit healing vibrations and frequencies which contain the potential of having a positive influence on our minds and bodies~-The ancients believed that semi precious stones emit healing vibrations and frequencies which contain the potential of having a positive influence on our minds and bodies}.

- Semi precious stones emit radiating fields of positive energy which in turn allows us to draw in this beneficial energy.

- Semi precious stones are used for in many areas such as healing and maintaining the balance of body and mind.

- Semi precious stones emit energy in the forms of light, color, clarity and texture.

- Semi precious stones comfort or soul, mid and body when they activate their gentle power - it\'s through this way that we benefit the most.

- You\'ll increase the life-force of semi precious stones if you wear more then one.

- Semi-precious stones keep one\'s emotions in check and ward off negative energy.

On a more technical note: semi precious stones can easily be cleaned and maintained by soaking them under running water for a period of six-to-eight hours. An alternative method is to bury your semi precious stones in earth and leave them overnight, and then wash them off the following morning. Another popular method is to place your semi precious stones in the midst of several quartz and leave them untouched for a period of several days. The quartz will recharge the healing properties of the stones.

Also, perhaps the easiest method for recharging your semi precious stones is to leave them in the path of direct sunlight.

{In closing always remember - the semi precious stones you possess are an aide to your well-being~To conclude, the semi precious stones are an aide to your well being~Remember, the semi precious stones are an aide to your well being~In closing, semi precious stones are an aide to your well being~To conclude, with semi precious stones, you possess an aide to your well being}. They\'re meant to worn! {If you just store them away you are doing yourself a disservice: as you are depriving your body of the healing power of semi precious stones~Most people just store them away. You are depriving your body of the healing power of these gems~Most people just store them away. You are depriving your body of the healing power of these semi precious stones}!

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