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Best Diet How To Lower Blood Pressure

Arterial hypertension, or high blood pressure is a very common disease of the heart and vascular circulation and people with this disease often need several types of medications. At the same time just a few lifestyle changes that can reduce the need for medication.
High blood pressure (greater than 140/90) affected by the World Health Organization (WHO) from 10 to 30 percent of adults in almost every country. Hypertension contributes significantly to cardiovascular diseases, which annually kill about 12 million people worldwide.
Lifestyle changes may gradually reduce or even eliminate the need for medication. According to Dr. Matthew Burger from Columbia University in New York should be every person with hypertension, consult with your doctor how to lower blood pressure without the use of medication. If you are not interested in having medicines then get ready to alter the plan and schedule of having diet where you easily maintain your blood pressure and can also beat stress and improve your vision.
Learn what are natural ways to lower blood pressure.
Move it
Gerald Fletcher, a cardiologist ...
... at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville their patients to a significant reduction of blood pressure are recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day on most days of the week. People with sedentary jobs aerobic exercise can reduce systolic blood pressure (the top number) of three to five points and diastolic (bottom number) by two to three points. It is important to choose an exercise that you enjoy and where you can; whether it's walking, running, swimming or even cycling.
Less Solt
Excess salt is not suitable for people with normal blood pressure and those with hypertension, certainly not. Reducing salt intake in the diet can reduce blood pressure significantly. The Dietary Guidelines recommended for people with high blood pressure limiting salt intake to less than 1500 mg (600 mg sodium) per day. Large amounts of sodium containing industrially processed foods, so it is better to avoid them and to give priority to fresh food.
Eat bananas
Here we have diet to lower blood pressure; now we know that too much salt can raise your blood pressure, but the good news is that adequate intake of potassium can unhealthy effect of sodium balance a little. Unfortunately, most people do not have enough of this important mineral. An adult should take about 4 grams of potassium per day.
A good source of this mineral, which helps lower blood pressure, bananas (422 milligrams a), baked potato with skin (738 milligrams), orange juice (496 milligrams per drink) and fat-free or low-fat yogurt (531 to 579 milligrams in 220 grams) .
Indulge in dark chocolate
A new study by researchers at Yale University showed that 50 grams (about half of the table) quality dark chocolate daily can reduce blood pressure by about three points. Although scientists are not sure how chocolate helps to lower blood pressure, consider that it may be due to high content of antioxidants.
Do not smoke
Tobacco and nicotine in cigarettes can cause transient although fluctuations in blood pressure, but the actual smoking does not cause chronic hypertension. The culprit may be other factors that are associated with smoking, such as alcohol consumption and lack of movement. According to Dr. Fletcher but blood pressure can be slightly reduced if you stop smoking.
Avoid alcohol
Although moderate drinking - no more than one drink a day for women and two for men - could be a number of studies beneficial for heart health, excessive alcohol intake may increase some people's blood pressure. Research shows that consuming more than two drinks a day increases the risk of hypertension in both men and women. The effect on blood pressure can be a little dull when your alcoholic beverage to enjoy while eating.
Lose weight
Research increasingly shows that dropping a few excess pounds can have a significant positive impact on blood pressure. Excess weight is forcing the heart to work harder and this extra onslaught can lead to hypertension. If you are overweight or have excess weight, just weight loss alone may be sufficient to ensure that you get your blood pressure under control.
Beware of caffeine
Here we have best food suggestions which are well known for best diet to beat stress and best ways to improve your vision. Coffee provides certain health benefits, but the reduction in blood pressure among them. Caffeine can cause short-term fluctuations in blood pressure, even in people without hypertension. If you have high blood pressure, you should reduce your caffeine intake to two cups of coffee a day. Sensitivity to caffeine find simple, you just have to take your blood pressure before and half an hour after drinking caffeine drink. If the pressure increases by 5-10 points, probably you are sensitive to caffeine.
Do not get stressed
Dr. Burg recommended for people with hypertension to avoid stress and learn to cope with it. There are many ways to calm down. An excellent tool for stress management yoga is necessary. Study results from New Delhi recently shown that yoga breathing exercises reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension.
According to Burga is a great way to calm meditation also, which includes singing meditation, breathing, visualization or all together. A study presented at the recent annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension again shows that only thirty minutes a day of classical music combined with slow abdominal breathing can lower blood pressure by up to four points.
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