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Bcp-340 Supporting Blackberry 10 Devices And A Blackberry Device Service In An Enterprise Environmen

Exams are basically conducted in order to know about ones knowledge or skills about certain things, these exams on the other hand help the candidate to prove themselves by getting the certification. In short exams help candidate to validate their skills and knowledge and build the reputation as a qualified professional. Through this BCP-340, Supporting BlackBerry 10 Devices and a BlackBerry Device Service in an Enterprise Environment examination the candidate who have a three months of experience in supporting BlackBerry 10 Devices along with this if the candidate also have general knowledge of working of BlackBerry devices and its functions and also if the candidate has knowledge of the process to access and to use the BlackBerry Technical Solutions Center (BTSC), the candidate can validate his BlackBerry knowledge and skills with the BlackBerry Certification Program.
The exam type for this BCP-340, Supporting BlackBerry 10 Devices and a BlackBerry Device Service in an Enterprise Environment exam is CBT that is Linear Fixed Forms – Live version. The numbers of items included in this exam are seventy and the ...
... item type is that of multiple choices which include single and multiple answers. The time duration for the exam in which the candidate has to complete this exam is ninety minutes. The result for this exam is available upon the completion. The testing score is actually computer scored and the score report is given after marking of the exam. There are no pervious certification is required to take this exam. Further during the exam the individuals will be given a list of acronyms and a glossary. The exam is released in English but the company does have plans for translations in near future.
BCP-340, Supporting BlackBerry 10 Devices and a BlackBerry Device Service in an Enterprise Environment exam objectives include about five topics which are mentioned below along with which the percentages in which these area or topics are covered are also present. The percentages of each topic indicates the area covered by that topic in the exam, that is the higher the percentage, the more likely are the questions to be seen in exam of that particular topic.
Administration section covers about thirty percent of the examination, next comet the Troubleshooting section that also covers thirty percent of the exam. Architecture and Data Flow topic includes about twenty five percent, the fourth section topic that is Security covers thirteen percent where as Reference information area which is the last one, covers only two percent of this exam.
There are numerous resources through which the candidate can take help in the preparation of this BCP-340, Supporting BlackBerry 10 Devices and a BlackBerry Device Service in an Enterprise Environment exam and make his learning easy for the examination. These resources include study guides which are easily available on the internet along with the study guides the candidate can also go for the pre-exam assessments which aids greatly in the preparation of this exam.
The candidates who are interested in taking this exam can register themselves at
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