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Five Good Reasons For Chewing Gum

If you are a regular chewing gum popper, you will be happy to know about the health benefits of chewing gum. Did you know that chewing a sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after eating or drinking can help protect your teeth? So keep chewing and read on as we show you how it be good for you. So get your bulk chewing gum now.
1. More Mind Power
It can improve brain activity in many ways. Psychologists have discovered that chewing gum can enhance your memory. When you chew gum, your hippocampus is stimulated. The hippocampus is the part of the brain which plays a major role in memory. It boosts more blood circulation to the brain. Your heart rate increases and more oxygen is delivered to your brain area.The Japanese research published in the journal Brain and Cognition suggests that as many as eight areas of the brain are affected by the simple act of chewing.
2. Stress-free & Relaxed
It releases stress and anxiety research has shown that students who chew gum during exams tend to be more alert and focused. It actually helps you cope with the stress ...
... that is often associated with tests. Not only does it help you to fight stress, it also deals with other pent up emotions , such as irritation or frustration. It helps you relax.
3. Loose Weight
If you are trying to slim down, chewing gum can prove to be useful. Instead of taking that second helping of baked alaska or a another pack of chips , pop a chewing gum. Chewing will satisfy that sweet tooth craving without sabotaging your diet . Besides, it has low calorie per serving. The act of chewing and the flavor of the gum will help you fight your cravings for other snacks that are high in calories and fats. Even small decreases in calories, according to experts, can have a major impact in the long-term and help achieve results.
4. Improve Oral Health
How can eating chewing gum improve oral health when you are told that sweets and candy can give you cavities? On the contrary, it can do just the opposite. If you tend to suffer from bad breath or gum infection, you might want to chew some gum to relieve these symptoms. When you chew gum, your saliva production is stimulated which in turn is important to maintain a good oral health. Saliva has antibacterial properties and can help flush out food debris, remaining sugars and other harmful acids in your mouth. It is found that chewing sugar free gum protects the enamel of your teeth. In fact, chewing on some sugar-free gum after meals can lessen your tooth cavities. You also have a variety of clinically approved chewing gums for dental hygiene available in any store.
5. Digestion Friendly
Are you aware of this? Chewing gum can also improve your digestion, as long as you chew your gum after meals. You will notice how often you swallow while chewing your gum, because of excess saliva production. This helps keep digestive acids down in your stomach.
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