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7 Steps To Writing A Compelling Ad

A compelling ad is your workhorse for any automated network-marketing program. Your ad is what will pull interested prospects into your opt in system and persuade them to leave contact information on your autoresponder or voicemail.
Here are seven steps to creating your own compelling ad:
Under-promise/Under-hype. If your claim is too over the top, your prospects will not believe your ad. They will dismiss it as hype and move on. Not only that, you run the risk of getting your company in trouble with government regulators. It is better to low ball your claims and promises.
Call for Action. As you create your ad, start backward from what you want your prospects to do. In all likelihood, you will want them to visit the opt in page for your autoresponder or call your sizzle line (voicemail with a 24 recorded message).
Minimize the Threat Level. Remove any perception of difficulty or pressure for them to act. If you want them to call a phone line, a toll free number is better than a local exchange. Announce that it is a 24 Hour Recorded Message to let them know they won't be speaking to a live, high-pressure ...
... sales person when they call. Once someone visits your opt in page, let them know your anti-spam policy, and don't ask for more information than their name and email address.
A Reason To Act Give your prospects a compelling REASON to take action. This is a strong, benefit statement. You won't come up with a compelling reason right away, so ask your self what your prospect wants and write out an entire list of "I wants" from the point of view of your prospect. This is a "get inside their heads" exercise that forces you to stop saying nonsense like, "it's a 12 year old, S&P 500 company that is turning the network marketing world upside down." What does any of that have to do with what your prospect wants? Not a thing of course. But if your reason to act is based upon what they want (quit their job, stay home with the kids, buy a new house, etc), your ad will be much more compelling.
Brevity. Keep your benefit statement short and concise. This is where the hard work comes in. the only way I know to do this step well is to write out a list of 50 or more benefit statements, using the ideas you generated from your "I want" list. Once you have this list, walk away for a while ( hours or days if need be) and come back to it fresh. Don't worry that you can't use some of your gems. You'll find that some of those unused benefit statements work well later on your recorded message or opt in page.
Instant Gratification. A great ad is a two-way exchange. The basic formula is, "if you will do this (leave your contact information), you will get this (beneficial information they will receive ASAP). It is easy to write benefits they can achieve in six to twelve months. But that is not what a great ad should do. Give them a benefit they can have right now. Tell them they will "find out how" to become financially independent in 12 months. Or they will "receive exciting information right away" that will show them how to put an extra $200 to $900 into their pockets every week.
Follow Through. Technically this is not part of writing the ad, but if you don't do this step, everything else you do is a waste of time. Do a dry run of how the information is delivered via your autoresponder or voicemail. If the voice message comes through garbled, you may not be able to contact that person. If the email messages have raw html code all over it, the message loses its punch. This step insures you see the backend of this process.
Follow each one of these steps and you will have much more than a compelling ad. You will have created a SYSTEM for magnetically acquiring leads and prospects to fuel your network marketing business.
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