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Make Money Online From Your Blog
It's amazing how many good quality blogs are around these days, but what's more amazing is how many of them don't make the most of the advertising space they have available.
With so many bloggers putting so much effort into writing compelling and entertaining posts, its maybe not surprising that they don't have the time to sort out the money making side of their blog. Earning money online is not everyone's motivation for blogging, but most bloggers do have an interest in growing the income from their website. There are loads of methods used by bloggers to earn money from their websites. We are going to take a look at two of the most popular methods, affiliate marketing and Pay per Click (PPC) advertising.
People blog for a variety of reasons. Often they have an interest in a subject that they want to share with the world, but we also see bloggers who are just in it for the money. Blogging has become a cottage industry with many dreaming of giving up the rat race and being able to live off their blog income. In reality the percentage of successful full time bloggers is low. Most people don't understand that it ...
... takes more than just great content to be a successful blogger. The great bloggers know that it is their mastery of both content and money making advertising that leads to a successful online income.
The secret of how to make money online from blogs is no secret at all. Targeted advertising is what is needed, but the difficulty is finding the best combination of ads to make the most revenue from each page. Often a good mixed advertising approach is the best method incorporating a mix of affiliate adverts and Pay per Click advertising.
Sourcing good quality affiliate ads for products that are suitable for the content of your page is an ideal way to make money from your blog. It can be a time consuming process to find the correct products and set up the appropriate affiliate accounts and but the results are usually well worth it. The majority of successful money making blogs cleverly incorporate affiliate advertising with their content, but they don't stop there.
A much faster method of making money online is using Pay per Click advertising. It is important to note that there are two types of PPC advertising namely keyword based and channel based. Keyword based adverts will pick up the words used on a page and display related content whereas channel based pay per click will provide adverts appropriate to the theme of your site not just the specific page.
Successful bloggers know that incorporating both PPC advertising along with affiliate adverts provides the best all round approach to earning money from a blog.
Tom has an interest in methods that make money online.
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