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‘little Secrets' To Generating Lots Of High Quality Leads And Appointments!

Just about every agent, I've ever talked to, has been looking for a new and improved, foolproof way of generating a steady stream of highest quality sales leads and sales appointments. They are looking for a new twist on an old idea. Or, something that has never been done before! What these agents don't realize is there isn't anything new out there. Everything that people can think of, with very rare exceptions, has already been tried before. The reason most agents are having a problem with their prospecting systems isn't because they don't work! It's because they are missing the ‘little secrets', ‘little tricks of the trade' that are the difference between total success and total failure with these systems.
Let me give you an example
Most agents I talk to, who are selling mortgage insurance, are very frustrated with their current marketing and lead generation activities. They've tried buying leads, direct mail, asking for referrals, newspaper ads, free reports, phone dialers and the list goes on and on. All they seem to get is people with health problems. Or, they get people who are shopping ...
... for price and want a free quote.
The reasons most of these agents are having so much trouble generating high quality leads for Mortgage Insurance is because they are missing the ‘Little Secrets', ‘Tricks of the Trade'! They are making little mistakes like
Believing prospecting is a numbers game! They are trying to attract anyone who owns a home. They are selling a commodity instead of a solution to a problem. They are selling their products based on price instead of benefits! They are trying to attract people who have never heard of them! They end up chasing the wrong prospects!
If you want to generate lots of leads for mortgage insurance here are four of the ‘Little Secrets' most agents are missing!
1. You must specialize! There are hundreds of agents, in your immediate area, that are selling mortgage insurance. Homeowners can buy insurance from their P&C agency, or over the Internet. Why should they take their valuable time to meet with you? What is unique about you? What's your hook? Can you specialize in helping families pay off their home five to ten years early, to save thousands of mortgage interest payments? Can you show people how to get the mortgage insurance they need without taking any additional money out of their pockets?
2. You must determine who your ideal prospects are for mortgage insurance! While everyone who has a mortgage may need mortgage insurance Who do you have the best chance of selling? Who would you have the best chance of selling mortgage insurance to? Who has the stronger need a single person, a married couple or someone who is married and has young children at home? Is there a minimum or maximum income? Minimum and maximum value of the home? Remember we are talking about consistently being in front of the people who you have the best chance of selling!
3. You must help people to see and understand the problems they face! You must help them to want to take action today! You must learn the right questions to ask, so people see and understand the depth of their problem and then help them to see that you have a solution to their problem. People don't buy what they need! They buy what they want! So, if you want them to buy today, you have to help them to make their need a priority, so they want to take action today!
4. You must learn how to get referrals! You must make yourself referable! In most cases people are not going to refer a ‘sales person' to their friends and family. However, they will refer an advisor. Someone they trust. Someone who provides a valuable service. You must stay in constant contact with your clients, prospects, friends, family and everyone you know. ‘Out of Sight, Out of Mind' is a deadly mistake for any sales person. Why would people refer you, if they never hear from you remember who you are or what you do! You must be in constant contact with your clients through annual reviews, monthly newsletters and free educational workshops.
Using these four ‘Little Secrets', (out of a dozens) we've seen hundreds of agents go from earning $3,000 per month, to earning $10,000 per month, with just a few months.
Another Example
Many agents are frustrated with doing ‘Dinner Seminars', because no one wants to set an appointment with them! Or, if they do set an appointment, the people cancel, or just don't show up! Agents will tell me, all they ever get are a bunch of ‘Plate Lickers!' Or, all they get are people with no money! The people who come are too young, or too old! They've tried several seminar presentations and none of them work in their area of the country. And, the list of complaints about the lack of appointments from ‘Dinner Seminars' goes on and on!
The reasons most of these agents aren't able to set an appointment with their seminar attendees are these agents are missing the ‘Little Secrets', ‘Tricks of the Trade'! They are making little mistakes like
Talking over their attendee's heads. Using too much technical jargon, during their seminar presentation. Trying to educate their attendee, instead of giving them just enough information so they want to learn more. Not getting the attendee to see how the information relates to their specific situation.
If you want to set lots of appointments from your dinner seminar here are four of the ‘Little Secrets' most agents are missing!
1. You must speak at a sixth grade level. Then, even the college professors will understand you. If your seminar attendees are even a little bit confused, or they don't understand what you are talking about, then why would they want to meet with you?
2. You must ask questions to during your seminar to get them emotionally involved and help them to see how the information relates to their unique situation. Why would they want to meet with you if they don't see how they'll benefit?
3. You never ask for the appointment, you give them an opportunity to meet with you. It's a very subtle, but huge difference in the amount of appointments you'll set at your seminar.
4. You must set as many appointments as you can, right at the seminar. The longer you wait, the less enthusiasm the attendees will have about what you talked about. The harder it will be to contact them, etc. You must visit with everyone after your presentation, and thank him or her for coming, ask them how they felt about the seminar, etc.
Using these four ‘Little Secrets', (out of a dozen or more) we've seen hundreds of agents go from a 10-20% appointment rate to an 80-90% appointment rate at their very next seminar.
If you want to improve your marketing, prospecting, appointment setting and closing ratios, it's not one big change that will make the difference. It's a series of little changes!
By learning these ‘little secrets' and ‘tricks of the trade' you can make your career easier, more fun and much more rewarding.
Isn't it time for you to learn the ‘little secrets' and ‘little tricks of the trade' that can make the difference between total success and total failure!
By Lew Nason
‘The Nine Out Of Ten Guy'
Claim your free Report "How to Attract & Sell Your Perfect Prospects" at
Where you'll learn how to make 6-figures a year in insurance.
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