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Selling Mortgage Life Insurance The Easy Way!

There are two basic approaches to selling Mortgage Insurance. If you want to sell mortgage insurance the easy way, then you must understand why the traditional approach to selling mortgage insurance isn't working for 90% of the insurance agents today.
The first approach is the ‘Old Fashioned' way most trainers, recruiters and managers teach their agents. They want you to believe that selling mortgage insurance is just a numbers game. They'll tell you that everyone who owns a home needs mortgage insurance. So, if you talk to enough people, and you have a competitively priced product, you'll make the sales you need for a great living. Their approach is based on the principle of 10-3-1! If you call ten (10) qualified mortgage sales leads, you'll set three (3) sales appointments, and you'll close one (1) sale.
The problem with that ‘outdated' logic is that if you want to earn a minimum of $50,000 per year you'll need a minimum of thirty (30) qualified sales leads per week, to schedule nine (9) sales appointments, and close three (3) sales per week. And, that doesn't allow for any cancelled appointments, ...
... not-taken policies, declined applications, lapsed policies, etc.
If you are using a direct mail campaign, based on a 1.5% - 2% average response rate, (which is higher than average) you'll need to send out a minimum of 2,000 direct mail pieces per week, to receive 30 leads per week. That means with postage, paper, envelopes, printing, the list, etc. that you'll spend about $600 - $800 per week. ($31,000 to $40,000 per year) If you buy 30 qualified leads a week from a lead company, or run enough newspaper Ads to generate 30 qualified leads you'll spend about the same amount of money per year.
If you close three sales per week, in order for you to have a net income of $50,000 per year, your gross commissions for the year will need to be about $90,000. That's $1,731 per week, or an average commission per term life insurance sale of about $600.
Obviously, if you want to earn a net income of $100,000 per year, all the above numbers double! You'll need to call sixty (60) qualified leads, to schedule eighteen (18) sales appointments per week, to close six (6) term life insurance sales per week to earn gross commissions of about $3,462 per week.
There are several major problems with this ‘Old Fashioned' approach to selling mortgage insurance!
1. How many hours a week would you have to work in order to set appointments with, and see 18 people per week - 50, 60 or more hours?
2. If you consistently work 50, 60 or more hours per week, how long would it take for you to get burned out?
3. Whether you are using direct mail, newspaper ads, buying leads, or taking a reduction in commissions, spending $30,000 to $40,000 per year is a lot of money, if you are only netting $50,000 of income per year.
4. When you send out sales letters, run newspaper ads or use Internet leads, who are the people that will most likely to respond to the offer for mortgage protection? Isn't going to be the people who know they need mortgage insurance because they have a health problem! And the people who are shopping, looking for the lowest priced products! Are these your best prospects?
There is a better, much easier and more cost-effective approach
The approach we take (in all of our systems and training) is making sure that agents spend their time attracting, contacting and meeting with the right people! Instead of playing the numbers game, we want the agent to focus on identifying the prospects that they have the best chance of selling. Our strategy is based on 5-4-3! If you talk to five (5) of the ‘Right Prospects', you'll set four (4) appointments and close three (3) sales.
The logic is that if you focus on finding and contacting the ‘right prospects' it's much easier to set appointments, close sales and make larger sales. Plus, when you are working with the right prospects you'll have fewer cancelled appointments, fewer not-taken policies, fewer declined applications, fewer lapsed policies, etc.
If you want to sell mortgage insurance the easy way! If you want to spend less money, generating mortgage leads? If you want to earn $100,000 or more per year, without working 50, 60 or more hour per week! Then the questions are
Who Are Your Ideal Prospects For Mortgage Insurance?
Where Do You Find Them?
What are the most cost effect ways to get them to contact you?
What do you say to get the appointment?
How do you get them emotionally involved in the sales process?
Where do you find the money?
Wouldn't you make more money, if some of those sales where cash value life insurance sales?
You'll get all of the answers to these and many more questions, with all the tools you'll need in our ‘Advanced Mortgage Insurance Sales Tool Kit'!
The marketing and sales information, tips and strategies in this advanced lead and sales system are NOT some magical theories I've just dreamed up, or read somewhere in a book. This complete system is based upon proven mortgage insurance marketing and sales success strategies that I have been using with insurance agents for over two decades.
For example, as a Branch Manager for Met Life, from 1989 to 1994, I brought in 23 brand new agents to this business. Each of these new agents started their careers by selling mortgage protection insurance. Over 10 years later, 18 of those agents were still in the business. Consider, according to LIMRA, (Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association) the failure rate for new agents coming into this business is over 90% in the first 5 years. I was able to achieve an 80% success rate.
Over 10 years later, all 18 of those agents were making more than $100,000 per year! Today, many of them are making $200,000, $300,000 and much more. Again, according to LIMRA, the average net income per agent (or advisor) is less than $40,000 per year. These people have incomes well above $100,000 per year.
Why are the agents we help able to do so well?
First, they are taught how to get off to a quick start using ‘Cutting-Edge' Prospecting and Appointment Setting Skills. They are learning the secrets of how to be in front of their IDEAL prospects everyday!
Second, they are learning how to consistently close three cash value life insurance sales each week by helping their prospects to see and understand the problems they face, so they want to take action today. People don't buy want they need! They buy what they want!
Third, they are learning how to help their prospects to ‘Find the Money' to get the life insurance they want to protect their family, without them spending any additional money, or changing their current life style!
If you take the time to carefully study and apply the information in our ‘Advanced Mortgage Insurance Sales Tool Kit', you too will learn the proven strategies these agents and advisors are using to Sell Mortgage Insurance The Easy Way!
By Lew Nason
‘The Nine Out Of Ten Guy'
Claim your free Report "How to Attract & Sell Your Perfect Prospects" at
Where you'll learn how to make 6-figures a year in insurance.
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