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Home Lighting: Why Now Is The Time To Make The Switch

In case you have not noticed there is a nationwide trend and movement towards cleaner energy, energy efficiency and of course saving money while in the process of doing both. You could slap some solar panels on your roof at the cost of forty thousands dollars or more, or erect a windmill in your backyard if you are lucky enough to sustain winds of at least 14 miles per hour at a cost of no less than five thousands dollars, but both options are unreasonable right now.
Instead take a trip down to your local Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart or home improvement center and pick up some compact fluorescent light bulbs, more commonly known as CFLs. About 10 years ago the cost of just one of these bulbs was around $10 (give or take). Today you can pick up three and four packs for around five dollars. That alone makes them affordable and more realistic to use for energy saving needs then any other option right now. Here are just a few reasons as to why you want to make the switch to CFLs today.
Each CFL provides the same amount of light as a traditional incandescent light bulb and uses around seventy-five percent less energy. ...
... This energy also equates to same amount, percentage wise, as the amount of heat the bulb uses making the CFL run cooler than a regular incandescent bulb which helps cooling costs during the warmer months.
A CFL has been estimated, by Energy Star®, to last up to 10 times longer than a regular light bulb, meaning that you save money by purchasing fewer of them. All of this information translates to about thirty dollars in savings per bulb over each light bulbs entire life span.
Now you might be saying what is the catch. Sure all of this sounds great but there must be a reason why they are, because if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is, right? Well not really. There are some things that you have to do differently with CFLs than a regular bulb. For starters you can't simply just throw a CFL away in the trash. CFLs contain small amounts of mercury and must be properly recycled. You can contact your local recycling center and they will tell you how you are supposed to dispose of them.
Also to get the best benefits out of them, you will want to install them in the rooms that you use the most. I always recommend to install them everywhere and anywhere in and around your house. If your budget is super tight, then use them in places where they will get the most use so you can get the greatest savings. Before you install them in a room that uses a timer or a dimmer switch, make sure you read the CFL package to make sure it is designed for them. There are CFLs specifically engineered to work with timers and switches and those are the ones you should use for them.
Yes CFLs are a great way for you to save money while going green and helping the environment. Just remember that before you install them that you read the package carefully to make sure the one you bought is best suited for what you will be using it for.
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is a regular contributor on Bukisa, an online community for writers that pay you for your articles. You can also follow him on Twitter.
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