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Prophetic Visions: Can Military Intervention In Iraq Now, P

Are political forces of the new United European Union attempting to rally public support for a cause diametrically opposed to the United States to leverage more political power and influence in Middle East affairs?
Prophetic Visions: Can Military Intervention in Iraq Now Prevent Armageddon Later?
Is it possible preservation of the status quo may put the global community on the road toward control by a prophetic one world government? Is it possible that military intervention in Iraq now can prevent Armageddon later?
At this point in time, one can conclude that God has ordained diversity. Our commitment to protect religious freedom and values of other people may help us delay or prevent the Apocalypse.
The United States of America has always been a nation committed to protect the religious freedom and values of other people. The United States fought side by side with Osma Bin Laden to defend religious freedom of all Middle East citizens.
The concept of high level government commissions formed, with help of the United Nations, with intent to protect religious freedom and values of entire societies in regions where U.N. forces ...
... must intervene may be a tool to generate more international cooperation and peace.
The billions of dollars the United States spends on oil from the Middle East can be used to finance a campaign to destroy the United States. A poignant observation is included within the freelance feature article entitled, Is the European Union Trying to Rally Public Support for Position to Gain Power?. The following is a summary of highly relevant content from various freelance feature articles:
Summary of Relevant Feature Article Content
Given the historic pattern of Iraqi military aggression in the Middle East, the United States has a right to be concerned that enormous amounts of American money spent in the Middle East will be used to finance future military actions to dispose of the United States. Why should the United States allow its own spending power in the Middle East to be used against itself?
The future of the Arab region depends upon the ability to (1) preserve traditional Muslim values of giving all due praise and worship to Allah, and (2) learning to adapt to change in the world without compromising traditional Muslim values.
The Spirit of Truth and Discernment attest that Allah has the power to call it quits in terms of continued existence of the entire planet earth at any time. The decision to call it quits should be up to Allah, and not mere human individuals.
Isolation of Arab Nations from the global community may jeopardize the future of the entire Middle East region. New improved technology can be used as a tool to isolate and separate the Middle East region from the developing world.
Scanning Probe Microscopes (STM) are a new class of scientific instrumentation that allow scientist to manipulate and reconfigure molecular bonds in the molecular arrangement of a chemical compounds. Laboratory processes that use to require an entire fully equipped laboratory filled with big bulky laboratory equipment can now be performed with a computer chip.
The new class of scientific instrumentation can make laboratories that produce deadly chemical agents more mobile. The new class of scientific instrumentation may make the job of weapons inspectors, either now or in the near future, a virtually impossible task.
The United Nations Inspection Team should also consider that, in addition to making laboratories more mobile, a new class of scientific instrumentation may dramatically speed up rate of manufacture of lethal chemical agents. Eventually, Iraq may be able to produce gallons of the deadly chemical by the minute.
What will happen when an Ultra Conservative Religious State that feels increasingly isolated from the rest of the developing world acquires new scientific instrumentation that allows the isolated nation to dramatically step up production of deadly chemical agents is something to ponder. Hence, my peace plan provides for a provision for special high level government commission to insure protection of ultra conservative religious states from negative effects of democratization. An assurance of protection from negative effects of lax permissive democratization upon Ultra Conservative Religious States may prevent Ultra Conservative Religious States, like Iraq, from becoming isolated due to feeling pitted against the developing world.
The CBS News Broadcast 60 Minutes aired an episode about how the old Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War constructed a special nuclear weapons manufacturing facility hidden inside a mountain that produced an atomic bomb every hour. The nuclear bomb manufacturing facility was so automated that bomb production processes could not be stopped at the end of the Cold War.
Eventually, the old Soviet Union asked for technical help from the United States to safely dismantle the nuclear bomb manufacturing facility. Today, Russia and the United States works as a team on the space laboratory.
Bookmark this page now, than click here to read the freelance feature article entitled, United States Raked Over the Coals in United Nation Judicial Proceedings, currently available on
A Strong Stand Diametrically Opposed to the United States
Hans Blix and his weapons inspections team cannot be gullible enough to believe that the crude balsam wood drone, Iraq allowed weapons inspectors to uncover, is the highest state of technology possessed by Iraq. We are talking about a country that has billions of dollars of financial resources at its disposal to gain access to cutting edge technology. The balsam wood drones are an insult to Iraq intellectual power.
The United States of America desires peace within the framework of realism. In the hot debate about war and peace, currently raging on the floor of the United Nations, political forces of the new United European Union have taken a strong stand diametrically opposed to the United States. Are political forces of the new United European Union attempting to rally public support for a cause diametrically opposed to the United States to leverage more political power and influence in Middle East affairs?
Preservation of the status quo may lead to a future scenario where billions of dollars of American money spent in the Middle East can be used to destroy the United States. The destruction of the United States will more than likely allow ascendancy of an United European Superpower.
My freelance feature article entitled, Is the European Union Trying to Rally Public Support for Position to Gain Power and Influence in Middle East Politics?, explores the question, if the United States is disposed as a superpower will a new European Union be capable of taking up the economic slack?
The future discovery of full assembler based nanotechnology may one day in the distant future introduce a new class of highly efficient machinery that will allow the European Union to take up the economic slack in the event the United States is disposed. Full assembler based nanotechnology exist in the realm of the far distant future. Full assembler based nanotechnology may never be possible.
Since a new class of manufacturing machinery capable of taking up the economic slack in the event the United States is disposed is not currently available, the only other alternative to increase gross national product of the European Union is to require excessive amounts of overtime for the European workforce. If an excessive amount of overtime is forcefully imposed upon the European workforce than massive socioeconomic instability may occur in Europe.
Bookmark this page now, than click here to read the freelance feature article entitled, Is the New United European Union Trying to Rally Public Support for Position to Gain Power and Influence in Middle East Politics?, currently available through the writer-publisher exchange service,
As pointed out above, full assembler based nanotechnology may never be possible. In the event the United States is destroyed, the ability of the new United European Superpower to take up the economic slack may be delayed for many decades,even if full assembler based nanotechnology is discovered. Adoption of new classes of efficient manufacturing machinery may create socioeconomic problems associated with replacement of one industry by another new industry. An uneasy transition from old to new processes may create social turmoil within the new United European Superpower.
The history of Europe includes a mixture of ideology with strong authoritarian themes. The hodgepodge of European ideology may lead to public acceptance of a state religion in a new United European Superpower undergoing social turmoil.
Acceptance of a state religion combined with social turmoil that may occur as a consequence of socioeconomic problems associated with adoption of new classes of highly efficient manufacturing machinery may lead to ascendancy of a powerful dictator controlling the new United European Superpower. In the meantime, conflicts between ultra conservative monarchies of Middle East Nations may continue to erupt.
The dictator controlling the new United European Superpower may decide to put an end to all Middle East Conflicts by a military sweep through the entire Middle East region.
The moral of the story is that Arab oil producing nations of the Middle East will have to do business with one society or another if the Middle East desires to have a future. The only other alternative may be genocide. It seems that the most sensible logical approach is to (1) preserve traditional Muslim values of giving all due praise and worship to Allah, and (2) learning to adapt to change in the world without compromising traditional Muslim values.
The world needs checks and balances in international relationships. The need for checks and balances in international relationships is highlighted by the movement toward globalization enabled by increasingly powerful telecommunications technology.
Has God Intervened to Prevent the Apocalypse?
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God intervenes by natural means. God has intervened in human history by giving us the text of Ancient Scripture. The term Ancient Scripture is a reference to all the many Holy Books of many religions. All the major religions have central themes.
Divine intervention does not have to be on an epic scale such as God appearing as a pillar of Fire or parting of the Red Sea. Divine intervention can be very subtle. Ancient Scripture can be considered a form of Divine Intervention.
Ancient Scripture contains a very serious prophetic warning of the very real danger of emergence of the most pervasively brutal complete totalitarian Dictatorship imaginable. Advanced science and technology provides tools that may potentially enable the most pervasively brutal complete totalitarian Dictatorship imaginable.
We, as intelligent people, can heed the warning contained in ancient scripture. I do not believe any human desires to have cherished spiritual values, imparted during their upbringing, watered down and diluted to the point spiritual values become meaningless.
God calls us to burn bright and shine in our chosen religious community. God, also calls us to practice practice love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect.
The goal of every religion should be to increase love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect. Secularism is a gift that allows religious extremist, comprising a large majority of the population, to practice love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect.
God has intervened in human history by giving us text of Holy Books belonging to every religion. Since God has intervened in human history by giving us text of Ancient Scripture we may be able to avoid complete destruction of the earth.
God has given us freedom as a gift. Determinism is the belief that there is nothing we can do as individuals to change the future. Determinism is the belief that the future destiny of mankind is sealed. Determinism is the belief the future cannot be changed.
If each and every individual chooses to practice love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect for one's neighbor, but yet, hold steadfast to our own religious values, then we may be able to (1) move progressively forward applying scientific knowledge to invent better tools that help us make the earth a better place for all people to live regardless of race, creed, gender, or ethnic origin, and (2) prevent the ascendancy of the most brutal oppressive dictatorship imaginable by burning bright, adhering steadfast to one's religious convictions, but yet wisely and prudently working to increase love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect for one's neighbor.
Since God has intervened by giving us text comprising Holy Books of many religions, we whom God has given intelligence, can decide not to join or participate in a watered down diluted one world religious system of government. Our decision to not participate in a watered down diluted one world system of government may avert formation of the most brutal oppressive dictatorship imaginable.
A complete rejection of secularism can also lead to a brutal oppressive dictatorship, and eventually destruction of earth. Current technology, as the status quo exist today, creates hardships upon every race, creed, gender, and ethnic origin.
The rejection of secular law by the majority of religious extremist could lead to anarchy. Anarchy would create social conditions conducive to ascendancy of the most brutal oppressive dictatorship imaginable. Secularism creates a neutral area where religious extremist can practice love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect for other faith traditions.
Yes, each of us must be vigilant, burn bright, and shine in our chosen faith communities. However, we must also challenge ourselves to grow by practicing love, tolerance, patience, understanding, and respect.
The movement of human civilization toward the future may be like carefully balancing and walking a tight rope high up in the air. Secularism may be considered the general consensus of "good people" contemplating difficult challenging problems.
The process of International Diplomacy involves strategizing to form alliances to gain positions of power. The act of strategizing to form alliances to gain positions of power is a type of game playing.
Famed Psychologist Eric Berne provides a discourse on game playing in his Psychological theory of Transactional Analysis. Game playing pervasively occurs in interpersonal relationships.
Game Playing has great potential to steer diplomacy in the direction that the majority are wrong and the minority are RIGHT. The Rule of Law adds complexity to the balancing act upon a high tight rope human civilization must do to survive.
About the Author
Author byline and Bio: Mark Gaffney is a contributing freelance writer. Mark has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in physiology, biology, and computer science. Mark is in the process of trying to start a new Not-for-Profit Foundation entitled, Wonderful Life Foundation. Mark plans to submit his online work as a thesis project to earn his Doctorate (PhD.) degree and officially become a Nanotechnology Sociologist. Bookmark this page now and click here to review preliminary plans for organizational development of Wonderful Life Foundation currently published on,, and are associated with the government web site portal,, an initiative of President George W. Bush to promote volunteerism and provide services to help Not-for-Profit organizations.
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