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Staying Online Isn't Always Easy

Who would think that it would be hard to keep a dating site online? After all millions of people from all over the world use dating sites in search of finding there true love. My site ChurchSinglesDating started about a year ago targeting church folks that want to join a site where they can meet others like themselves that attend church regularly. You would think "the flock" would be interested in flocking, sorry I can't get away from the pun, to a website like mine to find a true match, set apart from the rest of the crowd. There mate would ideally be someone one who never drinks, smokes, cheats or has any other of the other common worldly habits that afflict so many other people. It's a great place to shop around for the perfect mate isn't it when you really think about it? If you meet a Christian that attends church regularly chances are you'll find a good person to start with or a truly outstanding one because they truly care about pleasing God and living right if there genuine and maybe if there outstanding want to reach out to the desperate poor or just those hurting in life in one way or another.Saint or sinner we all ...
... would like to leave this world thinking we made it a nicer place to live and that we did something kind for someone else. A real Godly mate is also faithful , usually won't indulge in premarital sex, and can be trusted not to be playing the field deceiving you only for sex or hiding the fact of being married using the dating sites to step out for awhile on their partner. What more could you ask for?
Starting a great site with the best of intentions is one thing staying online is another. During the short time we've been online we've turned away as many new members who have joined because of online dating pirates.Most all of them have come from small countries in Africa and don't realize when they sign up that we've already got there number, there ip address number that is when they log in. They confidentially fill out a phony profile with a fake address and have no convictions about anything. They will claim they are rich, well educated, religious, kind and most times have never even been to a dating site looking for a mate. One time thinking maybe I was too narrow minded I allowed a new member from Kenya thinking not everyone from Africa is out to scam someone so I'll give this one a try for awhile and let him on board. He payed us back by contacting every female member on the site telling how he just lost a loved one, was out of money, desperately needed help, the whole nine yards. I'm not saying every one from Africa are scammers just the ones who have been visiting my site from what I have run into.There's no telling now how many people were driven away from my site now from letting just one scammer in unknowingly.
Paying for advertising is the single and most deadly pitfall of trying to stay alive on the net. Look into advertising on the net and search engines will display your ad but each click on your ad whether it returns a profit will generally run anywhere from $2.50 -$ 6.00 per click. Paying out will make you a believer.You can put it on account and run up a few hundred dollars in debt every week if you want to pay for each click with no guarantee that you'll be getting anything more than a new member trying out your site for a short time. Dropped that program right away because even with a set budget, let's say $100 per month averaged out to about 3 clicks per day. The big search engines who will be happy to assist you will also remove your ad after the click limit has been reached from there pages automatically for the number you set for that day so don't expect any charity here or miscounting of clicks.Search engines are just one source of advertising, you can contact giant dating sites with hundred of thousands of members to advertise if you want to feel like a bug being squashed that is. One large site site we contacted whose name I can't mention said they would assist with an ad banner for only $200 - $400 per week. That's probably a really good deal but much too expensive for the little guy just starting out.
You would think if people really knew what they were doing they would try to look for the smaller sites to make sure they're noticed, but they generally don't . If you want to see what I mean pick a name you like out of the blue, say Karen, search a monster dating site with that name and I guarantee you will pages of results for that one name, and that's just all the Karens that show there real name on there profile. There's probably at least a few hundred others. It's kind of like throwing your profile in a pile of hay because the site itself may not be advanced enough to show your profile to others because it can't hold that much in memory and will only show maybe the first 100 pages of results at random or in a preset order. So when you think you're profile's available for the world to see it could be that the site itself can't even find it and if it can it will only be on specific user name search. Even if the site is advanced enough to list you you may be number 789 or so down the line to see if anyone has the perseverance to read or just view pictures from that many people.
So my site has jumped on the free membership band wagon just lately in hopes of drawing members that way. Though there's thousands of dating sites to choose from this is still one of the best on the net because the some people here are some of the best from around this country and the world Visit us at: and have a blessed day!
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