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Presentation Of Proposed New Peace Plan That May Save Millio

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By Author: Mark Gaffney
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A proposal for a new peace plan that potentially can save millions of lives has been submitted to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee and Academic leaders for nomination in the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize competition. Nobel Peace Prize ATTENTION
Noble Peace Prize Staff and Academic Leaders, I am writing to request my proposed new Not-for-Profit organization, Wonderful Life Foundation, be nominated to receive the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. My understanding is nomination for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize requires a motion from a qualified Doctorate level PhD officials. I believe the American taxpayer should be repaid for the vast sums of taxpayer money poured into numerous Middle East conflicts. The poor and working class citizens within the United States of America spent billions of American taxpayer dollars to fight side by side with Osma Bin Laden for the purpose of protecting religious freedoms of all Middle East Arab citizens from a communist invasion of Afghanistan. I intend to use the Nobel Peace Prize monetary award to (1) help lower an extremely high escalating cost of living in America by reduction of mortgage interest ...
... rates, and (2) finance scientific research performed by institutions and corporate entities truly dedicated to improving the lives of people by discovery of new highly efficient production methods that have great potential to better the human condition. Institutions and corporate entities that are purely profit driven to cheaply manufacture a new product and sell at a high cost will not be eligible for the new proposed Wonderful Life Foundation Socially Responsible Scientific Research Incentive. Please find below URL links to freelance article content outlining a new Middle East Peace Plan that could potentially save millions of lives. My proposal for a new Middle East peace plan provides for (1) assurance of peaceful United Nations disarmament of Iraq, and (2) formation of a new high level Iraq commission that will insure protection of the ultra conservative Muslim values of all Iraq citizens. My Peace Plan may fail. However, my new proposed Not-for-Profit Foundation, Wonderful Life Foundation, deserves to win the Nobel Peace Prize for at least trying to find a peaceful solution to the Iraq conflict imposed upon the Middle East. I want to remind everyone that past winners of the Nobel Peace Prize include Palestine Leader Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin. Perhaps, the effort of these men to achieve peace in the Middle East was indeed sincere. Obviously, the effort to bring peace to the Middle East by all three men has failed. My peace plan may fail too, however, at least I tried. Bookmark and/or save this page then click here to review the Noble Peace Prize Award of 1994, posted on the web site of the Nobel Foundation. I believe in the Sovereignty of Israel and formation of a new Palestine State. The fact is that both Israel and Palestine are strict authoritarian ultra conservative religious societies that are aligned in opposition to the lax permissive free Democratic American Society. Also, the strict authoritarian belief system of ultra conservative religious societies in the Middle East appeals to highly conservative political factions within the United States. The ultimate effect of the constantly repeated rounds of attack, retreat, and attack again is to perpetuate violent conflict and to cut a hole in the pants pocket of America. The poor and working class citizens of America spend billions of taxpayer dollars only to perpetuate war and bloodshed in the Middle East. A highly relevant truism from days of old is, the truth shall set you free. The international community is using the entire Middle East region to keep America weak. The international community is working to prevent the United States from gaining a technological competitive edge. Ultra conservative societies may fear a technological competitive edge may contribute to the making of an even more morally permissive free democratic society. A weak American society is vulnerable to illegal criminal activity associated with pornography and drug use. Oftentimes, illegal criminal activity associated with pornography and drug use is introduced into American society by foreign powers. Pornography and drug use contribute to the making of psychological cripples that become a burden to American society. Lawmakers in the United States and diplomats around the world participate in the game to have an important job. Please find below e-mail I have sent to President George W. Bush and secretaries for the United Nations Security Council trying to peacefully resolve the Iraq conflict. I have also informed numerous peace movements about my new proposed Middle East Peace Plan that potentially could save millions of lives. Bookmark and/or save this page than click here to read the Mission Statement of Wonderful Life Foundation, posted on www.servenet.org. Bookmark and/or save this page now, than click here to read my newest freelance feature article entitled, Commitment to Protect Muslim Ultra Conservative Values of Iraqi People, currently available through the freelance writer-publisher exchange service ideamarketers.com. Also, should this peace plan be accepted by all parties involved, I would like to take credit for the sale of a high tech satalite system to the joint United Nations -Arab League. Commissions from this sale will benefit my new proposed Not-for-Profit, Wonderful Life Foundation. Please find URL links to my new proposed peace plan that can potentially save millions of lives within content of E-mail below: Sincerely,
Mark __________________________________ Psychologist for Social Responsibility http://www.psysr.org/iraq%20statement.htm >Even if Iraq has developed WMDs, their use of them >would be made more likely, rather than less likely, >by a U.S. assault, since humiliation, fear, and >desperation so often lead to irrational acts. If the >U.S. attacked, Saddam Hussein would be forced to >defend himself, or turn toward apocalyptic >endings. ATTENTION
PsySR Management Staff, I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of course work in computer science, data processing, physiology, biology, and information systems. As a Psychology grad, I have written three feature articles pertaining to fear of free democratic societies maintained by ultra conservative religious societies of the middle east. MY FEATURE ARTICLE CONTENT CONTAINS A NEW PROPOSED PEACE PLAN THAT POTENTIALLY COULD SAVE MILLIONS OF LIVES. In response to the quote posted above from the web site of Psychologist for Social Responsibility, the following excerpts from the two freelance feature article I wrote are very pertinent: In my feature article entitled, My Two Cents: A Peace Proposal No One on Earth May have Contemplated Yet, I explore fears ultra conservative societies may have in relation to western culture. The following is a poignant observation I made within the content of my feature article: One of the major criticisms of free democratic societies is that freedom can become a license for immorality. The observation that freedom can become a license for immorality is a very valid criticism of free democratic societies. A clear statement of major goals and final outcomes of United Nations intervention can reduce the fear of ideological westernization of ultra conservative Muslim societies. My new Peace plan providing a provision allowing Iraq President Saddam Hussien to head a new high level government commission may allow the Iraq leader to demonstrate his sales skill by allowing the United Nations Team (consisting of Ultra Conservative Arabs from neighboring regions) to make a huge financial investment in the Iraqi infrastructure. Iraq President Saddam Hussien can boost he caught a big fish. Thus, my new peace proposal prevents anyone from feeling humiliation. However, war will bring great humiliation. The following quote from one of my feature articles is very significant: My peace proposal nearly eliminates all the major sociological problems pertaining to introduction of greater stability in the middle east. If Iraq does not find this peace proposal acceptable, and a human catastrophe occurs resulting in the death of millions of people than Iraq will bear the ultimate responsibility for the carnage. It will not speak well of Iraq to sacrifice the lives of millions of people when nearly all the major objections to United Nations guaranteed disarmament have been removed. Please recommend my feature article content to a online or print media company for possible publication. Please let me know if Psychologist for Social Responsibility may be interested in publishing my articles either online or in print publications. I am providing my content for free in exchange for (1)a byline, (2)recognition as a contributing freelance writer, (2)notification of where and when my freelance feature article content will appear so that I can build a writer portfolio. Thank you Sincerely,
Mark ______________________________________ Freelance Feature Article Content
Outlining a New Peace Plan
That Can Potentially Save Millions of Lifes I would like to submit a freelance article I wrote that contains a new proposal for a Middle East peace plan. The proposed new middle east peace plan is described in my letter below addressed to President George W. Bush. The most recent feature article explains tenets included in my new peace plan submitted to President George W. Bush. The most recent article is entitled, Preservation of Idealogical Integrity of Nations Where United Nations Must Intervene. The URL link is: http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/article.cfm?articleid=18471&wherefrom=RESULTS Summary of main theme: The concept of high-level government commissions to preserve ideological structure in nations where the U.N. may need to intervene may be a concept that can ease fears of an ideological take over. Every society should have the freedom to maintain values they as a people hold dear. P> Preservation of the ideological integrity of ultra conservative societies may help prevent formation of a one world government. The formation of a one world government may dilute ultra conservative religious values. The dilution of ultra conservative religious values may allow world domination by a powerful dictator. The United Nations should declare major goals of (1)social stability and (2) dedication to basic fundamental human rights. The United Nations should make it extremely clear that it does not support or facilitate ideological take over. Please let me know as soon as possible if United for Peace and Justice is interesting in publishing my freelance feature articles either online or in print. My freelance feature article is currently available through the writer-publisher exchange service, www.ideamarketers.com. My freelance feature is available at no cost. Stipulations include: (1)an author byline, (2)recognition as freelance contributing writer, (3)notification of when and where my article will be published so that I can create a portifolio of my writing. I can e-mail the html if this is necessary. Just let me know via e-mail. The link to my article is posted below, but here is the link again, just in case: http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/article.cfm?articleid=18417&wherefrom=RESULTS Sincerely,
Mark _______________________________________ Dear Mr. President, On February 26, 2003, Dan Rather, famed CBS News Anchorman and correspondent, interviewed Iraq President Saddam Hussein for CBS News Television Broadcast of 60 Minutes II. The 60 Minutes II interview with Iraq President Saddam Hussein inspired me to write a freelance feature article entitled, My Two Cents: A Peace Proposal No One on Earth May have Contemplated. In the content of my feature article I outline a proposal for a new peace proposal that to my knowledge has not yet been contemplated. My new Middle East Peace proposal can be found at the following URL: http://www.ideamarketers.com/library/article.cfm?articleid=18417&wherefrom=RESULTS The following is a summary of the major strength of my new proposal for peace in the middle east: My peace proposal insures (1) ultra conservative values of Iraq will be preserved, (2) Iraq will continue to control tremendous wealth generated by its oil reserves, (3) peaceful United Nations intervention which includes ultra conservative Arab officials from neighboring nations as well as delegates of all concerned U.N. Nations who will help the Iraq people form a more cooperative less threatening government, (4) the development of greater stability in the middle east, and (5) allows Iraq Leader Saddam Hussien to play a vital role by heading a newly formed high level Iraqi commission. If Iraq Leader Saddam Hussien does not want to participate in this peace plan, than a newly formed Iraq commission can be created to include ultra conservative Muslim officials from neighboring nations without participation by Saddam Hussien My peace proposal nearly eliminates all the major sociological problems pertaining to introduction of greater stability in the middle east. If Iraq does not find this peace proposal acceptable, and a human catastrophe occurs resulting in the death of millions of people than Iraq will bear the ultimate responsibility for the carnage. It will not speak well of Iraq to sacrifice the lives of millions of people when nearly all the major objections to United Nations guaranteed disarmament have been removed. _____ I hope these ideas are helpful. Sincerely,
Mark About the Author Author byline and Bio: Mark Gaffney is a contributing freelance writer. Mark has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in physiology, biology, and computer science. Mark is in the process of trying to start a new Not-for-Profit Foundation entitled, Wonderful Life Foundation. Mark plans to submit his online work as a thesis project to earn his Doctorate (PhD.) degree and officially become a Nanotechnology Sociologist. Bookmark this page now and click here to review preliminary plans for organizational development of Wonderful Life Foundation currently published on www.ServeNet.org. ServeNet.org, Idealist.org, and Network-for-Good.org are associated with the government web site portal, www.freedomcorp.gov, an initiative of President George W. Bush to promote volunteerism and provide services to help Not-for-Profit organizations.

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