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My Two Cents: A Peace Proposal No One On Earth May Have Cont

Dan Rather's exclusive interview Saddam Hussein inspired me to contemplate a new peace proposal.
My Two Cents:
A Peace Proposal No One on Earth
May have Yet Contemplated
I do not wish to advocate for or against war with Iraq in the content of this feature article. Recently, so many people have been so adamantly outspoken about the possible war with Iraq I consider it apropos to exercise my civil liberty of freedom of speech and add my two cents. I have watched on television massive global protest of people advocating peace and condemning a possible war with Iraq.
I am so distant from the actual problems the content of this feature article may be worth less than two cents. How can I possibly know how much danger Iraq's military arsenal poses to the middle east Arab nations?
It is the responsibility of the United Nations inspectors to make a fair assessment of danger posed by Iraq's military arsenal to neighboring Arab countries. Hence, I am not prepared to rally to one side or the other. I sincerely hope peace can prevail.
On February 26, 2003, Dan Rather, famed CBS News Anchorman and correspondent, interviewed ...
... Iraq President Saddam Hussein for CBS News Television Broadcast of 60 Minutes II. During the interview Saddam Hussein proposed a debate between President George W. Bush and himself to be broadcast internationally by satellite.
Bookmark this page now, than click here to read the 60 Minutes II transcript of Dan Rather's interview with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
I must confess that deep down I have developed a twisted sort of sincere admiration for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. I admire Saddam Hussein's fortitude and perseverance in the face of adversity.
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein seems to be very personable and cordial during televised interviews. If Iraqi President Saddam Hussein were an American running for office I may be inclined to vote for him. I have long anticipated that during an amazing moment Iraqi President Saddam Hussein would turn over a new leaf and change his ways to become more cooperative with other Mid-East Arab nations as well as the international community.
The Dan Rather 60 Minutes II interview with Saddam Hussein got me thinking about an idea for a new peace proposal. I wonder if anyone on earth has ever contemplated to date the new peace proposal plan I currently contemplate.
Saudi Arabia has proposed peace may be achieved by an assurance of Iraq President Saddam Hussein's safe exile to another neutral country. It is a well-known fact that the United Nations declared that the Iraq's invasion of Saudi Arabia's capital city of Kuwait, which sparked the Gulf War of 1990, was a violation of international law.
Since Iraq was declared to be in violation of international law the United Nations penalized Iraq by a declaration of mandatory inspections. The problem is that Iraq has been less than cooperative with weapon inspection teams.
A news analysis broadcast on television reported inspections will not work even if Iraq is 100 percent fully cooperative in allowing inspection teams to search for weapons. Inspections will not work because Iraq's immense rugged geographical terrain is an enormous surface area that allows weapons to be too well hidden from inspectors. Hence, if inspectors are allowed to roam freely from dawn to dusk the inspection effort will be a waste of time and money.
Now we have defined three critical variables most people should agree upon. The three critical variables are: (1) inspections will not work, (2) the U.N. judged Iraq to be in violation of international law by invading Kuwait and therefore the U.N. levied mandatory inspections as a penalty upon Iraq, and (3) Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations have tried to achieve peace by arranging exile of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
An attempt to arrange exile of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein may reflect the fact that neighboring Arab Nations of Iraq still feel threatened by the possibility that Iraq may possess a military arsenal capable of killing millions of innocent citizens within neighboring Arab countries.
Saudi Arabia and other Arab Nations have expressed deep reservations about an United States lead invasion of Iraq. Saudi Arabia and other Arab Nations have an ideological affinity with the radical ultra conservative belief system of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's government and/or regime, depending upon one's perspective.
Despite a possible serious military threat posed by Iraq, Saudi Arabia and neighboring Arab Nations feel uncomfortable about allowing a foreign power with whom is shared a lesser degree of ideological affinity to gain a foothold in a neighboring nation with whom is shared a greater ideological affinity. And that is perfectly okay.
Why should citizens of Saudi Arabia and neighboring nations surrounding Iraq not be fearful? After all, citizens within the United States should never be too snug with the idea that their precious beloved civil liberties and freedom will always and forever more be safe guarded by someone else. We, in the United States, encourage citizens to get lawfully involved in political processes and be well informed to protect our freedoms.
Every society includes (1) radical ultra left liberal elements, (2) moderates, and (3) radical ultra conservative right elements. Every society also includes reprobates possessing intelligence to manipulate ideology to cause chaos and confusion for their own self-interest and personal gain. Reprobates often engage in murder and plunder.
I am not prejudice against people of a different race, creed, ethnic origin, or gender. I am prejudice against reprobates.
Fuzzy boundaries exist between the four ideological categories. The four ideological categories constantly try to woo new members. Anyone with religious conviction may bounce back and forth from ultra conservative to moderate depending upon the religious issue under consideration. The very nature of religious conviction implies a strong ultra conservative stance upon central main tenets related to faith and spirituality. Thus, in some respects every person with religious conviction may be considered ultra conservative.
An Outline of My New Peace Proposal
Given the fact that citizens in Arab Nations surrounding Iraq have a right to feel uncomfortable about a foreign power gaining a foothold in the Middle East I do hereby put forth a new peace proposal.
I propose an United Nations team peacefully take control of the Iraq government. The United Nations team will include government officials and troops of neighboring Arab countries surrounding Iraq. The United Nations team will also include British and American troops.
Instead of demanding the exile of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, why not allow Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to remain in Iraq in a new high-level government position with new types of powers. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein can be appointed in charge of a newly formed Iraqi Commission. Saddam Hussein can oversee that the rights of the Iraqi people to practice their ultra conservative religious faith are not in any way compromised by the United Nations peaceful take over of Iraq.
The United Nations Special Government Delegation will insure that basic fundamental human rights of citizens in Iraq are not violated. No one on earth should be tortured, beaten, starved, and/or murdered.
Ex-President Saddam Hussein can act to insure there will be no forced ideological interference in the chosen lifestyle of the Iraqi people. Ex-President Saddam Hussein can insure financial profit from Iraq's vast oil reserves is in fact placed in a special trust fund to benefit citizens of Iraq, as proposed by President George W. Bush.
Ex-President Saddam Hussein can make special reports via satellite to the United Nations as well as to the Arab League of Nations. A new dignified title will be bestowed upon Ex-President Saddam Hussein reflecting his highly important Iraqi leadership responsibilities.
Ex-President Saddam Hussein can have free run of his palaces in Iraq. As a high-level government Iraqi government official, Ex-Iraqi President Saddam Hussein can come and go as he pleases as long as he does not instigate military insurrection against the United Nations Governing Team.
In his new high level Iraqi leadership position presiding over a newly formed Iraq Commission Saddam Hussein will not have control or influence over military matters and operations within Iraq. Saddam Hussein's heirs may serve in the same Iraqi leadership capacity within the newly formed Iraq Commission but will be forever barred from assuming direct command.
If Ex-President Saddam Hussein feels some type of military intervention is necessary he can report his findings to the Arab League of Nations. If the Arab League of Nations are in agreement that some type of infraction is occurring in Iraq under U.N. control than the Arab League of Nations can take the case to the United Nations. The satellite feed provided to Saddam Hussein's newly formed Iraq Commission will make reporting of infractions leading toward due process quick and nearly instantaneous.
One of the major criticisms of free democratic societies is that freedom can become a license for immorality. The observation that freedom can become a license for immorality is a very valid criticism of free democratic societies.
President Saddam Hussein can head a high-level government commission that will insure Iraq's laws that preserve morality will remain intact. The special Iraq commission headed by Saddam Hussein will prevent introduction of liberal laws that may allow greater freedom under the new government in Iraq to be turned into a license for immorality.
A Defense of Free Democratic Societies
In free democratic societies many good decent people of various faiths struggle to define literary, artistic, and social merit of various works offered to the public.
No society on earth is perfect. Despite many flaws of free democratic societies one has got to admire openness and willingness of free democratic societies to grapple with profound spiritual issues.
I have given a lot of thought to the term Jihad. After the September 11, 2001 massacre of innocent citizens a huge amount of public information about Islam was disseminated to the public. A huge amount of factual information to prevent misconceptions about Islam was disseminated to prevent misconceptions contributing to wrongful hatred, blame, and prejudice against the Islamic community.
My understanding of the term Jihad is a spiritual conflict with the earthly physical nature of the material world after receiving messages from God in prayer. If the soul of an individual is in a peaceful nonviolent conflict with the world, than the concept of Jihad implies freedom of speech.
God or Allah delivers messages during prayer to guide an individual to change the world for the better in a peaceful non-violent fashion. The great Muslim Prophet Muhammad, who founded the Islamic religion, may have been an early freedom fighter.
The early battles of Islam may have stymied the growth of cruel barbaric practice occurring during the Inquisition. The curbing of unusually cruel barbaric practice occurring during the Inquisition provides solid ground to believe the great Islamic Prophet truly received a Divine message from the Archangel Gabriel. The curbing of unusual cruel barbaric practice occurring during the Inquisition may be considered a great service and contribution provided by Islam. The world may be very different today if Islam did not intervene.
The world has changed. Many centuries ago brute force may have been necessary to survive. Today, there is less need for brute force because of greater material resources. The tremendous oil reserves of the middle east provides revenue to insure survival without resorting to violence.
A Case for War
According to News reports Iraq provides huge financial incentives to families of suicide bombers. Terrorist acts of suicide bombings, germ warfare, etc. have got to be the most cowardly low down abominable practice on earth.
If someone is bent on killing me for any reason whatsoever I would prefer they shoot me between the eyeballs while looking me eye to eye instead of shooting or stabbing me in the back. At the very least every human should be warned in advance of impending danger to his or her life so that they may put on a helmet and take other measures to protect themselves.
Iraq's encouragement of suicide bombing may be justification for war. I just cannot imagine someone eating lunch in a restaurant, riding a bus, or attending school becoming a victim of horrific suicide bombings.
No place, on this earth, exist for this type of terrorism.
Iraq Used in Diplomatic Circles
By the International Community
As a Trump Card
And Political Gun Pointed at
United States
I also have great admiration for President George W. Bush for his fortitude and perseverance in the face of such great opposition pertaining to his assertion Iraq presents danger and must be disarmed. President George W. Bush is upholding the principle of the rule of law. President George W. Bush insist upon firm and decisive leadership.
In the content of my feature article entitled, A Peaceful Non-violent Jihad: A Spiritual Struggle to Make the World a Better Place, I made the following assertion:
If I, as the feet, spur the horse to gallop faster, someone with helping hands, exercising a Divine mission, will pull the reigns of restraint at the proper time such that our galloping horse will reach the destination that God intends. Democracy is a distributive system that orchestrates the balance of power in such fashion as to facilitate positive constructive social progress. In this I have faith, that God will guide social progress.
Our valiant effort to create a better future can only succeed by the grace of God. Success of our valiant efforts to create a better future will be a true miracle. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. The human reptilian brain includes an innate natural instinct known to psychologist as the death instinct. We as human individuals have an innate natural tendency to quit, give up, and die.
The necessity of a President to uphold the principle of the rule of law by exercising firm and decisive leadership may be illustrated by a new proposed circus act. A masterful debonair horseman riding a beautiful stallion rides with much grace, splendor, and gallant pageantry into the spotlight. A band of roguish clowns individually try to jump on horseback with the debonair masterful horseman and impishly tug at the reigns.
One can imagine the stallion rearing upon its hind legs, whining, snorting, and turning round and round in circles going nowhere. It is easy to see by this illustration the necessity for a President to uphold the principle of the rule of law by exercising firm and decisive leadership.
My expression of admiration for President George W. Bush fortitude and perseverance in the face of great adversity does not imply my support for the Iraq war. I have grave concerns an Iraq war will worsen dire economic problems currently existing in the United States. Many good hard working people are already hurting because of economic recession.
Don't get me wrong. I have the utmost respect for brave soldiers who serve their country and put their lives on the line to defend freedom. I believe soldiers should be repaid with respect as well as monetary rewards.
During time of war economic resources are rechanneled. Why should people who do not have the ability or inclination to go off to war be penalized? Many people who voluntary enlist are the type of people who skydive, climb Mount Everest, and take similar kinds of personal risk.
In my feature article entitled, Constructive Dialogue to Examine Future Quagmire of Immense Perplexity, I made the following poignant observations:
Should we embrace war to simply validate the meaningfulness of life? Should we embrace hardship by clinging onto outdated old-fashioned less-efficient manufacturing methods for the sake of proving our incredible inner-strength to endure hardship?
Bookmark this page now, than click here to read, Constructive Dialogue to Examine Future Quagmire of Immense Perplexity, currently published on the message board provided by the National Science Teachers Association.
It is always possible that an overemphasis upon war combined with over taxation may degenerate into payment of protection money.
I have grave concerns war with Iraq may potentially turn into a fiasco in terms of loss of life and loss of precious economic resources to sustain the quality of life at home and abroad. The United States may get the blame if an Iraq war should turn into a major human catastrophe.
According to news reports, Iraq President Saddam Hussein is currently surrounding Bagdad with explosives laden with deadly lethal chemical agents capable of killing millions of people within the Bagdad region. It sounds like a nightmare ready to happen. Hence, I recommend extreme caution. It is reasonable to suspect that a disaster may have been deliberately planned to cause the United States to loose creditability within the international community.
My peace proposal insures (1) ultra conservative values of Iraq will be preserved, (2) Iraq will continue to control tremendous wealth generated by its oil reserves, (3) peaceful United Nations intervention which includes Arab officials as well as delegates of all concerned U.N. Nations who will help the Iraq people form a more cooperative less threatening government, (4) the development of greater stability in the middle east, and (5) allows Iraq Leader Saddam Hussien to play a vital role by heading a newly formed high level commission.
My peace proposal nearly eliminates all the major sociological problems pertaining to introduction of greater stability in the middle east. If Iraq does not find this peace proposal acceptable, and a human catastrophe occurs resulting in the death of millions of people than Iraq will bear the ultimate responsibility for the carnage. It will not speak well of Iraq to sacrifice the lives of millions of people when nearly all the major objections to United Nations guaranteed disarmament have been removed.
I cannot fathom why the United States is getting so very little support from Middle East Arab Nations that have been engaged in military conflict with Iraq. The United States spent billions of dollars to fight side by side with Osma Bin Laden to repel a communist invasion of Afhganistan. At that point in history it was felt that communism posed a serious threat to the religious freedom of citizens within Arab Nations of the middle east.
I simply cannot fathom how everybody seems to have completely forgotten how we, people of the United States, helped protect the religious freedom of all Arab citizens.
And, how do we get repaid? Our World Trade Center is demolished. I simply do not understand the politics of the region. Obviously, I am not the only one or else lawmakers in the United States would not have made these mistakes.
My understanding is that Arab Nations requested assistance from the United States during the Gulf War to help repel an invasion of Iraq troops from Kuwait. If the huge Gulf War financial investment of billions of dollars in the safety and welfare of citizens in neighboring Arab countries surrounding Iraq was not truly necessary perhaps the United States and other participating countries involved in fending off the Iraq army should be repaid.
The process of International Diplomacy involves strategizing to form alliances to gain positions of power. The act of strategizing to form alliances to gain positions of power is a type of game playing.
Famed Psychologist Eric Berne provides a discourse on game playing in his Psychological theory of Transactional Analysis. Game playing pervasively occurs in interpersonal relationships.
Game Playing has great potential to steer diplomacy in the direction that the majority are wrong and the minority are RIGHT. The Rule of Law adds complexity to the balancing act upon a high tight rope human civilization must do to survive.
About the Author
Author byline and Bio: Mark Gaffney is a contributing freelance writer. Mark has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a concentration of coursework in physiology, biology, and computer science. Mark is in the process of trying to start a new Not-for-Profit Foundation entitled, Wonderful Life Foundation. Mark plans to submit his online work as a thesis project to earn his Doctorate (PhD.) degree and officially become a Nanotechnology Sociologist. Bookmark this page now and click here to review preliminary plans for organizational development of Wonderful Life Foundation currently published on,, and are associated with the government web site portal,, an initiative of President George W. Bush to promote volunteerism and provide services to help Not-for-Profit organizations.
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