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Operations Research Exam

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By Author: math qa22
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Operation research exam is conducted for the students which is the entrance exam.This is a major exam to be prepared well for it.

This exams include many typical questions which can be easily solved if we do the following type of problems.These problems look difficult to understand but if we catch the simple logic then we can clearly understand them how to do it.

So a person writing this exam should be able to understand the logic in it and answer these questions with confidence.
Operations Research Exam Questions:

1.For a company which bys boxes for three months is 800 boxes.Each box costs 125$ and the cost ordering is 150$. 20% of unit value inventory cost is extimated

Money saved for employing service quality?

Total cost for existing situation ?

2.A game has two players Named P1 and P2 .The two players tooss a coin to gether .When the coins give output of two heads or two tails then the Player P1 will be winning.Else if the player P2 will be winning.Give the Value of game and the good stratery for them.

3. Maximize

z = 50x1 + 57x2

Subject to

90x1 ...
... + 40x2 ≤ 23,000

9x1+4x2 ≤ 700

2x1+3x2 ≤ 300

x1, x2 ≥ 0 (40)

4.Explain the following

Random variables
Random distribution

5. Write the OR characteristics. Write the importance inprocess of making decisions. What are the limitations.
Operations Research Exam Questions (continued)

6.Use Least cost method to solve the problem.The data for the shipmet unitcost is given below
To D E F Supply
A 6 4 1 50
B 3 8 7 40
C 4 4 2 60
Demand 20 95 35 150

7. Graphically solve the Programing value:


z = 5x1+7x2
Subject to the constraint
x1 ≥ 5
x2 ≤ 7
x1, x2 ≥ 0


In decision making how does the dynamic programing work. What is the difference between Linear and dynamic programing .Explain .

Non-linear programming has convex and concave funtions .How give the relation? .Give the K-T conditions.


Game the value and give the saddle point from the following data


9 13 10

Y -10 6 -14

0 -5 15

Check this Wavelength Calculator awesome i recently used to see.

In Management problems give the need of Simulations. Write down various steps in the process of simulation


Game the value and give the saddle point from the following data


4 2

A -2 -3

-4 -5

What is Monte Carlo simulation.Explain with the examples.


How do you Convert Integer Programming Problem to LP .Explain.

For solving IP Problem give the bound and branch method .

When a continuous optimal solution for a LP problem is rounded off then what will be the effects.Assume the case solution for example as

10+10+15 =35

The agenda of this article is to cover one of the research methods i.e Experimental Research.Steps in conducting Experimental Research is also covered along with some criteria regarding when to adopt Experimental Research Approach. This all is subsequently followed by examples of Experimental Research.
What is an Experimental Research?

This is an experiment where the researchers manipulates one variable, and control/randomizes the rest of the variables. It has a control group, the subjects have been randomly assigned between the groups, and the researcher only tests one effect at a time. It is also important to know what variable(s) you want to test and measure.

A very wide definition of experimental research, or a quasi experiment, is research where the scientist actively influences something to observe the consequences.
When to Adopt Experimental Research Approach:

If there exist a time based relationship between cause and effect i.e cause precedes effect.
There is always a consistency in relationship i.e a cause will always lead to the same effect.
When there is a high correlation between the cause and effect.

Steps in Conducting Experimental Research:

Step1. Select a Topic: The step simply involves identifying a general area that is of personal interest and then narrowing the focus to a researchable problem (step 2).

Step2. Identify the Research Problem: In this step the researcher need to identify the research question. The basis of research question selection can be like area of personnel interest, importance of a problem in the filed of research.

Step3. Conduct a Literature Search: With the research topic and problem identified, it is now time to conduct a more intensive literature search. Of importance is determining what relevant studies have been performed; the designs, instruments, and procedures employed in those studies; and, most critically, the findings. Based on the review, direction will be provided for (a) how to extend or compliment the existing literature base, (b) possible research orientations to use, and (c) specific research questions to address.

Step4. State the Research Questions (or Hypotheses): This step is probably the most critical part of the planning process. Once stated, the research questions or hypotheses provide the basis for planning all other parts of the study: design, materials, and data analysis. In particular, this step will guide the researcher’s decision as to whether an experimental design or some other orientation is the best choice.

Step5. Determine the Research Design: The next consideration is whether an experimental design is feasible. If not, the researcher will need to consider alternative approaches, recognizing that the original research question may not be answerable as a result.

Step6. Determine Methods: Methods of the study include (a) subjects, (b) materials and data collection instruments, and (c) procedures. In determining these components, the researcher must continually use the research questions and/or hypotheses as reference points. Generally, a good place to start is with subjects or participants.

Step7. Determine Data Analysis Techniques: Whereas statistical analysis procedures vary widely in complexity, the appropriate options for a particular experiment will be defined by two factors: the research questions and the type of data. Various approaches can be t tests, ANOVA, analysis of covariance, and chi-square.
Examples of Experimental Research:

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: The Stanley Milgram Experiment.

This experiment aimed at getting an answer to the question:

“For how long will someone continue to give shocks to another person if they are told to do so, even if they thought they could be seriously hurt?” (the dependent variable).

GENETICS: Transforming Principle

Through this experiment Frederick Griffith postulated that information could somehow be transferred between different strains of bacteria. This was long before the discovery of DNA and was an inspired piece of scientific detective work.

PHYSICS: J. J. Thomson’s Cathode Ray Experiment

This research proved the existence of negatively charged particles, later called electrons, and earned J. J. Thomson a deserved Nobel Prize for physics. This research led to further experiments which helped to understand of the structure of the atom.

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