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Healthy Ways To Maintain Your Weight

Losing weight or maintaining your present weight sometimes seems like a huge challenge. It doesn't have to be. Many people who are able to maintain their weight basically follow six healthy habits.
1) Eat lots of fiber.
You can get fiber in your life by eating fruits, berries, beans, and many vegetables. Check food labels and do a little research to learn what foods are high in fiber.
Fiber gives you a feeling of being full and it helps regulate you.
2) Drink lots of water.
Water helps flush toxins through the kidneys and keeps your body hydrated. Water also makes you feel full and you crave less to eat. Most nutritionists recommend you drink an average of six to eight glasses of water daily. Another plus of hydration is it helps keep your blood pressure under better control.
3) Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise boosts your metabolic rate and allows you to burn calories. When you build muscle through exercise, you actually continue to burn calories as you rest.
You should include both aerobic exercise and strength training in your exercise ...
... routine. Aerobic training can include walking briskly, running, dancing or any activity that brings your heart and breathing into play. You should do aerobic exercise for twenty to thirty minutes or more, four to five times a week.
Strength training brings your muscles into play. Weight lifting, pushups, chinups; these build your muscles. Strength training should be done at least three times a week.
4) Eat plenty of green foods.
These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals. Try to eat one or two servings of leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli, at least two to three times a week. Juicing is a good alternative.
5) Eat more healthy fats.
All fats are not bad. Eating fish, nuts, flaxseed and other healthy fats can actually increase the rate at which you burn calories.
At the same time, you want to limit unhealthy fats such as cheese, margarine, pastries and such.
6) Learn to read food labels.
You can't always eat fresh foods. By learning to read food labels, you can keep a good eye on your diet.
Check the serving size. Many people look at the calories or the carbs on the label but fail to note that is per serving. Some can labels may read two or two and a half servings per can. That will throw your diet out of whack in short order.
Note how much sugar or salt has been added to improve the taste. Many labels will give you the fat content and/or the fiber content.
Following these six healthy habits on a daily basis will help you get to the weight you desire and help you maintain that weight.
Author Joe Moon manages the website on a variety of nutrients essential to both humans, other mammals and plants. Visit now to get essential and advanced nutrients at low prices. Joe also provides an informative nutrients information
on this website.
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