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Microsoft Great Plains: Interest Calculation Example - Store

This is intermediate level SQL scripting article for DB Administrator, Programmer, IT SpecialistOur and Microsoft Business Solutions goal here is to educate database administrator, programmer, software developer to enable them support Microsoft Great Plains for their companies. In our opinion self support is the goal of Microsoft to facilitate implementation of its products: Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, Microsoft CRM. You can do it for your company, appealing to Microsoft Business Solutions Techknowledge database. This will allow you to avoid expensive consultant visits onsite. You only need the help from professional when you plan on complex customization, interface or integration, then you can appeal to somebody who specializes in these tasks and can do inexpensive nation-wide remote support for you. Let's look at interest calculation techniques.Imagine that you are financing institution and have multiple customers in two companies, where you need to predict interest. The following procedure will do the job:CREATE PROCEDURE AST_Interest_Calculation@Company1 varchar(10), --Great Plains SQL ...
... database ID@Company2 varchar(10), @Accountfrom varchar(60),@Accountto varchar(60), @Datefrom datetime,@Dateto datetime--, asdeclare @char39 char --for single quote markdeclare @SDatefrom as varchar(50)declare @SDateto as varchar(50)select @SDatefrom = cast(@Datefrom as varchar(50))select @SDateto = cast(@Dateto as varchar(50))select @char39=char(39)if not exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[AST_INTEREST_TABLE]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AST_INTEREST_TABLE] ( [YEAR] [int] NULL , [MONTH] [int] NULL , [COMPANYID] [varchar] (4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [ACTNUMST] [char] (129) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [BEGINDATE] [varchar] (19) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [ENDDATE] [varchar] (19) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [YEARDEGBALANCE] [numeric](19, 5) NULL , [BEGBALANCE] [numeric](38, 5) NULL , [ENDBALANCE] [numeric](38, 5) NULL , [INTERESTONBALANCE] [numeric](38, 6) NULL , [INTERESONTRANSACTIONS] [numeric](38, 8) NULL , [INTEREST] [numeric](38, 6) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]exec("delete AST_INTEREST_TABLE where [YEAR] = year("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +") and [MONTH]=month("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +")insert into AST_INTEREST_TABLEselectyear(X.BEGINDATE) as [YEAR],month(X.BEGINDATE) as [MONTH],X.COMPANYID,X.ACTNUMST,X.BEGINDATE as BEGINDATE,X.ENDDATE as ENDDATE,X.YEARBEGBALANCE as YEARDEGBALANCE,X.YEARBEGBALANCE+X.BEGBALANCE as BEGBALANCE,X.YEARBEGBALANCE+X.ENDBALANCE as ENDBALANCE,X.INTERESTONBALANCE as INTERESTONBALANCE,X.INTERESTONTRANSACTIONS as INTERESONTRANSACTIONS,X.INTERESTONBALANCE+X.INTERESTONTRANSACTIONS as INTEREST--into AST_INTEREST_TABLEfrom(select "+ @char39+ @Company1 + @char39+" as COMPANYID,a.ACTNUMST,"+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +" as BEGINDATE,"+ @char39 + @Dateto + @char39 +" as ENDDATE,case when b.PERDBLNC is null then 0 else b.PERDBLNCend as YEARBEGBALANCE,sum(case when (c.DEBITAMT-c.CRDTAMNT is not null and c.TRXDATE ="+ @char39 + @SDatefrom + @char39 +" and c.TRXDATE =year("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +")where a.ACTNUMST>="+@char39+@Accountfrom+@char39 +"and a.ACTNUMST="+ @char39 + @SDatefrom + @char39 +" and c.TRXDATE =year("+ @char39 + @Datefrom + @char39 +")where a.ACTNUMST>="+@char39+@Accountfrom+@char39 +"and a.ACTNUMST
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