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Efflorescence---where It Comes From---how To Remove It---how To Stop It!

How to beat efflorescence on pool decking: If you have ever sealed your pool decking just to find a short time later your pool decking looks white and unsightly again, this article is for you. First let's discover why efflorescence occurs. There are two forms of efflorescence - powder and crystalline.
Powder efflorescence most times is salt in cement. When cement gets wet it activates the salt then the salt works to the surface and dries and becomes a white unattractive powdery substance.
Crystalline efflorescence is caused when the water migration process occurs over and over and crystals form. (Most times crystalline efflorescence is caused by sprinklers.) This type of efflorescence is harder to remove and produces a dull fading effect on your pool decking.
How to remove it- The removal process really depends on what kind of concrete sealant you have used. I recommend doing a simple test. Test 1- put a drop of water on the pool decking if it beads up this means your sealer is topical and the efflorescence is under the sealer. The most common concrete sealant used is wet look lacquer because it enhances ...
... the color and leaves the surface shinny.
The problem with wet look lacquer is its beauty is short lived because it turns white, to remove wet look lacquer I have found the very best way is to hire a professional to sand blast the wet look lacquer off and start over with a fresh clean pool deck. Go see this video on you tube.
How to remove it- Removing efflorescence is simple if your pool decking is mostly in good shape and you just are having problems where the sprinklers hit the pool decking or around flower pots. I have found a miracle cleaner I use call Shark this product cleans like an acid without the bite. It's a simple spray on brush and rinse process. Any good pool tile cleaner works as well but state chemicals shark is much faster and safer product.
How to stop it- Pay attention this is a big deal because stopping efflorescence has been impossible until now. Aldon chemical company makes a product called efflorescence treatment if you follow their instructions it works inside the concrete to stop efflorescence next after a few days you can seal your pool deck with Aldon's SBS for a wet look efflorescence free finish that outlasts any other sealer on the market.
Scott Hicks has been restoring pool decks and re-painting waterfalls for over thirty five years. Scott is the CEO of and known expert in pool decking, staining a deck, and concrete sealents.
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