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Constipation Remedies Curb Leaky Gut Syndrome

Human body is one of the favourable sites for various parasites to reside. Both harmful and useful microbes are present in the intestine and imbalance of these organisms result in various gastro intestinal problems. Few microbes increase the intestinal permeability by affecting the lining of the intestine. This results in increased toxicity affecting the normal function of the intestine.
leaky gut syndrome is the root cause of different health problems as it enhances micro organism growth leading to bacterial infections, Candida etc. These organisms initiate inside different digestive problems that creep up affecting not only digestive system but also functions of various prominent and vital organs of the body.
All gastrointestinal problems more or less have similar symptoms such as inflammation, bloating and intestinal gas, constipation, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. Treatments at times may overlap. Dietary restrictions, nutritional supplements, reduction of stress and lifestyle modifications can be the measures for the treatment of leaky gut syndrome and most of them are similar to constipation remedies.
... Constipation remedies that drives away leaky gut syndrome are as follows:
Anti-oxidants: Gut walls can be repaired by treatments with antioxidants such as glutamine and zinc.
Probiotics: Yogurt is a rich source of lactobacillus a very useful probiotic that is vital in cleansing the digestive system and keeps it healthy for proper and systematic functions.
Dietary restrictions: Significant decrease of food additives, processed foods, junk foods must be avoided, increase your diet enriched with fiber, carbohydrates, moderate proteins and very low-fat containing products.
Unprocessed food: Processed food is DEAD while unprocessed food is ALIVE with all the essential nutrients in it. Bone broth (gelatine) possesses most healing properties for the guts. Prepare bone broth and store it in the fridge, it forms a jelly like texture. It is very healthy for the inner world.
Physical exercises: Mother of all health remedies. It makes body organs to work more actively and helps in regulating your metabolic activities and maintains a healthy stomach avoiding gastro intestinal disorders such as constipation and leaky gut syndrome as well.
Natural constipation remedies, personal hygienic methods accompanied with healthy lifestyle modifications such as regular physical exercise and diet rich in fibers, fruits and vegetables can keep away digestive health problems such as leaky gut syndrome and constipation.
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