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Reasons For Belief In God

Every generation has its own beliefs, some of which are right while a good number of them are wrong. In this present century there is a widespread notion among the partially educated masses that an educated person cannot believe in God.
I use the phrase 'partially educated' because most of the people who hold this type of view do not have any idea of what science, philosophy, and logic really stand for. A person is fully educated about these topics only when he is taught the role and purpose of science, philosophy, and logic. anyone who has studied the nature of these topics will be much more cautious when he speaks about the existence of God. He will know and accept easily that science is not a tool to prove or disprove the existence of God. It is a methodology developed by man to study the natural and physical world, nothing beyond that.
It is logic which can be pressed into our service to study the existence of God, but a person who understands the nature of human logic surely knows that even logic has its own limitations. Within these limitations, if we study the world around us, it seems more logical to ...
... believe that beyond the observables there is supreme God who has brought all of the visible truth into existence.
If we apply the mathematical laws of probability to examine if this universe is the result of mere blind chance, we come to some very interesting conclusions. Such a study shows without exception that the high level of organization, Complexity, and order visible in this universe cannot be the result of mere chance. This is because whenever matter and energy are left to themselves, they always give rise to disorder. The longer the time period allocated to matter and energy, the greater is the amount of disorder. In fact, the billions of years which the evolutionists usually assign to this universe are enough to convert all evolutionists usually assign to this universe are enough to convert all of the order in the present-day universe into complete disorder. so our human logic tells us that since this universe with all the complex order cannot be the result of mere chance, someone must have designed and produced this complexity and order in the universe.
There is a law in biology which is usually called the law of Biogenesis. According to this law, established more that one century ago, life comes only from preexisting life; dead matter cannot give rise to a living state. This is a firmly established law, and it forms the basis of all our disinfecting practices. The medical doctors know that if all the microorganisms are destroyed by any medical procedure, new ones will never arise spontaneously. Life comes only from preexisting life, and therefore once all the microorganisms are destroyed, the doctor can rest assured that the dead matter will never produce new germs. He only has to guard against living invaders coming from outside. Hence, the law of biogenesis forces us to think about the necessity of a creator for bringing life into existence.
The study of life was done on quite superficial level in the last century, so we can excuse some of the conclusions to which people came in the past. But with the exploding knowledge coming from genetics and biochemistry, it has become very clear that all of life depends upon a vast amount of information. This information usually resides on the genes found inside the living cell, and it is this coded information which enables the cell to sustain itself and multiply at the appropriate time. It is estimated that the information residing on the genes of a single human cell is comparable to the information contained is a few hundred volumes of an encyclopedia! It is obvious that such a vast amount of information cannot be the result of mere blind chance. Millions of monkey typing randomly on typewriters are not able to compose a four-line poem, let alone a single chapter in an encyclopedia.
Just as the random typing of monkey cannot produce books, randomness or blind chance cannot produce the unbelievable amount of information that resides on the genes in living cells. We have to look for intelligence to account for information found anywhere in this would. So it seems much more logical to look for God to explain the presence of the vast amount of information residing inside living beings. Hundreds of similar reasons compel intelligent and educated people to believe in the existence of God.
Dr. Johnson C. Philip is a scientist and an acknowledged blogging guru having a worldwide following.
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