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Eat Smart To Look Smart

Sometimes unconsciously we include such food items in out diet which lead to weight gain and we are left wondering about the reason of this weight gain. Munching snacks and having cold drinks during your favorite television program or watching a movie or cricket match is what everyone us has done. And then most of us hit the bed immediately after that. This is where the trouble begins. Sometimes we do not realize that we are putting in so many calories in, through snacks. We all are gradually becoming couch potato. Bad eating habits lead in weight gain and make us sluggish too, it makes the situation worse. Sometimes it causes heartburn and we try out many heartburn remedies without realizing the actual problem. We sometimes develop a habit of munching. We need something or the other to keep our mouth moving. It can be a chocolate or pop-corn, nuts etc. Some people over eat just to encounter their bad mood. Over eating becomes an obsession for them.
But does that mean we have to compromise with our health and become slave to this habit?
No, certainly not. If you think that you have a habit of unconscious eating ...
... then identify when do you do it most. Do you have a habit of eating while watching television, or you help yourself to biscuits when in meetings? Do you eat when you are stressed or you pop in some snacks while preparing meals? Knowing your habit is more important, and then you have to change it into a better one. You can change munching of nuts to salad. You can have fruit while watching television or you can keep your hands occupied by solving a puzzle or by chopping vegetables or by knitting. If you feel stressed then hit the gym. It will help you in burning calories. Try to have more of fresh fruits handy so that while watching TV or surfing net you do not go and help yourself by those cold drinks and chocolates which are a store house of calories. Inclusion of Candida diet is also a good idea. If you eat smartly, it will show on you.
Flush toxins from your entire body. Find the best digestive care products for heartburn remedies and Candida diet .
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