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The Yearbook: Your Story In Your Time And In Your Own Words

Every year, your school rolls out its yearbook where every student is required to pose for a picture and provide a quotation to be placed under your photo. Your school yearbook for any given year will also feature interesting stories of events and messages from the teachers and staff.
Yet, amidst all these colorful photos and interesting stories set in an attractive layout, you will hone in on your photo and quotation first. This is understandable considering that your appearance on the annual yearbook tells your story of your time in school and in your own words.
Story in a Line, Or Perhaps Two
Beneath a picture of your smiling self, you will try to tell your story of the time you spent in school for a specific academic year in as few words as possible. You may want to tell more stories about your friends, your achievements and your misadventures in and outside of school but that is impossible on a standard yearbook.
You must then use your creativity with the English language to tell your story within a single line – or if the school yearbook ...
... committee is generous with the precious space on paper, two lines. Your best bet is to choose a quotation, either your own or copied from your favorite author, which represents who you are at that point in your life.
Examples of quotes you can put in your yearbook:
1- “Disregard females, acquire currency” - Probably when you are focused on wealth more than dates.
2- “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.”
A quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which is suitable when you want to express your uniqueness and independence from all the naysayers.
3- “Arrruugghh” – Likely because you feel like you have had better years than this one or that you see yourself as the lovable Chewbacca or you believe in less talk, less mistakes. In a high school yearbook, you have more freedom than you did in your elementary books.
4- Whatever the story you choose to tell in your yearbook quotation, just make sure that it is your story to tell. You owe yourself that.
Dedication to Friends, And Perhaps a Foe or Two
After the yearbook is in your hands, you react to it in so many ways. You and your friends pore over the pictures and quotations, give your opinions, and generally just enjoy the colorful pages filled with interesting stories, pictures and information.
Then you begin signing each other’s yearbooks with dedications, personal thoughts and even cartoon drawings. These are usually placed on the margins of the , school yearbook, thus, making your writings and doodling part of your friends’ stories as reflected on the glossy paper. You are reinforcing each other’s shared stories for posterity!
You may even take a swipe or two at a foe on his yearbook. We do suggest, however, not doing so in your high school yearbook because it is best not to burn bridges especially when you may become good friends with him/her in college.
So, every time you feel like you have had uneventful years in school, open your yearbook and know that, indeed, you had an eventful and enjoyable time – and that it is your story!
Expressly-Yours specializing in high school yearbooks,middle school yearbook, yearbook ideas, yearbook covers, cruise books and printing yearbooks at an affordable price. Expressly-Yours leads the industry in offering quality school yearbooks covers and innovative school yearbook ideas that delight students and families.
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