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Fast Methods Of Getting A Cut Six Pack

If you have been trying to get a six pack for a while now, you probably think six pack abs are not easy to get. In this article we will be going over six pack abs exercises. But before we do I would like to say one thing. Abs are not as hard to get as you might think! In fact, if you know what you are doing you can shed fat really fast and get a defined stomach. The key is to have a healthy diet. We will go over exercises in this article but just remember your diet is much more important.Alright, let's start talking about what exercises are the best ones.Ab Exercise #1: "The Crunch Hold" Lie on the floor like you are going to do a normal crunch. Tighten your abs and crunch up so your shoulders are about three inches off the ground. Now hold this position for five seconds, then go back down. That counts as one rep. This exercise might sound easy but to be totally honest it is tough to do when doing it properly.Ab Exercise #2: "Leg Lifts" Developing your lower abs can be tough, but this exercise will really help. Lie on the floor with your body in a straight line, make sure your arms are out to your side and your legs are straight ...
... out. Now lift your legs up off the ground until they are in a straight "up and down" line. Your upper body and lower body should be forming an "L" As a warning, this exercise is not easy! Most people don't hit their lower abs so if you do this exercise get ready for a burn!.Ab Exercise #3: "Slow Sit Ups" We all know how to do a sit up so I don't think I need to explain it to you guys. But doing a sit up slowly can be one of the hardest things you do. How slowly? I recommend you do it 5-10 seconds up and 5-10 seconds down. Again, this is a challenging exercise, but if performed properly will really make your abs pop out.I know many trainers out there will tell you to do hundreds and hundreds of crunches every day. The problem with this is the fact that when you try to do as many crunches as you can you are moving way to fast and not controlling your movements. You really need to control your movements if you want abs that turn heads.Those are all great exercises, but if you want to learn some more great exercises and also learn how to put them together to perform an awesome workout then Click Here to watch an incredible free video that goes over five things you need to know if you want to get washboard abs. Also, the video will go into your diet and will show you how to start losing belly fat without cutting out all your favorite foods. Again, to watch the video just Click Here. Good luck guys!Building your core can be challenging. You not only need to burn the excess fat but also work on building up the muscles underneath which can sometimes take a while. Learn the shortcuts by visiting our page about six pack abs.
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