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Gain Muscle And Get Stronger

If you have been bodybuilding for a few years then you have most likely realized that there is a great correlation between getting stronger and getting bigger. Just take a glance at weightlifters, powerlifters, and strongmen to see some convincing examples of this phenomenon.
This leads us to the obvious conclusion that even if our only goal is to look more muscular we need to get strong to do that. So if you have been following a traditional muscle building program for awhile it may be time to switch to a more strength-oriented training plan.
The basic principles of designing a program to gain strength are :
Lower repetitions
Low repetitions allow for heavier weights, and heavier weights are what increases strength quick. You want to stay below 6 reps here. 1-3 reps is the pure strength zone, while 4-6 reps will allow you to gain some mass with your strength.
Higher sets
To compensate for the comparatively lower volume of your low rep sets, it is necessary to increase the number of sets you do. There is no magic number. Anywhere from 5-12 sets of an exercise is the norm. The ...
... exact number will depend on the number of reps you're doing, your goals, and your current work capacity.
Longer rest periods
In contrast to bodybuilding, we want to avoid being tired as much as possible when training for pure strength. This means we want near absolute recovery between sets. The exact amount of time will depend on the exercise, but anywhere from 3-6 minutes is normal. Some powerlifters are known to take up to 15 minutes between heavy squats or deadlifts!
Higher frequency
The more often you do something the better you get at it. For pro strength athletes it is common to train 6 days per week, 2 or 3 sessions per day! While this isn't practical for most of us, it gives us a hint as to how to gain strength fast. The more often you can train (without sacrificing recovery) the better.
These are just a few guidelines to help you to get strong. The key to fast strength and muscle gains is hard work combined with professionally designed workout programs and sound nutritional and supplementation advice.
Learn about secrets to gain muscle and how to get stronger in your FREE ebook!
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