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Short Term Car Lease
A short term car lease can be used for many purposes and can offer a variety of benefits over buying a car outright or borrowing money via a car loan. The main benefits that most people consider are financial. A short term lease, which typically means that it lasts less than 24 months, means that the driver can afford a better car than they would be able to purchase or afford on a long term car rental.
Buying a car requires a large initial outlay as well as the ongoing costs associated with running a vehicle. If you decide to buy new, then this also means that the value of the vehicle will greatly depreciate over the first twelve months, and further depreciation will also be witnessed over the next few years. However, you do have an asset that is your own and you can do what you like, when you like, with that car.
Rather than buying a new car, you could buy a used or nearly new car. This means that you can avoid the initial depreciation in value and you can still acquire vehicles with a modest warranty. However, there is still the initially outlay required to secure the vehicle that you want. In ...
... contrast, a car lease agreement enables you to enjoy all of the benefits of a nearly new or brand new car without this massive outlay.
Another option is a long term car rental. Typically, this works out to be very expensive and if you are looking to rent a car for more than a couple of weeks then you should consider a car lease to be the preferred option. Renting a car does give you the advantage that you can rent with any level of credit rating and, if you wish, you can change cars very regularly.
If you are looking for a means of acquiring a new or nearly new car and you don’t have the finances, or can’t justify the initial outlay, to buy a brand new car then a short term car lease agreement could prove to be the best available option for you. offers a variety of leasing options including a short term car lease. Choose from a wide variety of cars and find the lease term that best suits your needs.
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