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Students at different academic levels are required to write article reviews as part of their course work. Article review is also referred known as article critique. In this case, students are required to read a source related to the course they are pursuing and then give their personal opinion about the content of the source. Instructors provide guidelines that students should follow when writing article reviews. However, many students are not able to follow the guidelines and get low grades. Students should follow the following steps when writing article reviews. They should start critiquing the source selected by writing the heading. They should include citation of the sources that is being reviewed. The first paragraph is the introduction and students should summarize the source. They should state the important points when writing the summary.
When writing review students should state why the source being reviewed is significant. They should determine whether the source fills a gap within the literature that already exists on the subject being discussed. They should also determine whether the source has breakthrough ...
... information. In addition, students should determine whether the information contained in the source causes researchers and other people in the field to change their views about the topic or it repeats what is already known.
Moreover, students should give their personal evaluation of the source when writing article reviews. Learners should ask themselves various questions when presenting their views. They should state whether the source is well written and clear. They should also determine whether there is any information that is missing. Students should incorporate research limitations in the article reviews and state whether there is need for further research. In other cases, learners are required to link the source to their real life experience when writing article reviews. For instance, instructors ask students to state how the source can help them improve their studies and careers in future. Further, students are required to connect the content of the source to what they have learned in the course when writing the article reviews.
When writing reviews students should include a reference list. They should list the source used to write the assignments and any other sources that seemed useful. The reference list should be written according to the writing style provided by the instructor. Failure to do can affect the student’s grades as the article reviews are not inline with professor’s requirements. Including in text citation is also a must when writing article reviews. Students are required to reference the content of the article reviews well so as to earn marks. Lastly, students should proof read their article reviews before submitting them. Proofreading the article reviews helps identify any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and any reference errors. Instructors grade article reviews according to the grammar, content and spelling errors. Students who hand in assignments that have grammatical and spelling errors get low grades. Thus, students should be keen when writing their work. They should also check their assignments for plagiarism. They should ensure the assignments are not plagiarized as plagiarism affects their grades and students life. They should paraphrase the content to avoid plagiarism and ensure the assignments are original. Copying content and pasting is not allowed as it affects originality of the work and leads to plagiarism.
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