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Becoming The Leader Of The Pack

You may see, upon occasion, those who attempt to train dogs through violent means, by hitting them with newspaper or grinding their noses into their own mess. These kinds of older methods may have a short-term effectiveness in getting your dog to do what you want, but they produce more serious behavioral problems in the long run.
On the other extreme, some people more or less become servants of their dogs, waiting for their dog to tell them what they need. When the dog indicates he wants out, the owner lets him out. When he wants to be fed, the owner responds. When the dog craves attention, the owner gives it. In effect, the human becomes the pet of the dog, but being human, will feel irritation when the dog whines or begs at the table or scratches and barks at the door to be let in or out.
The problem is that many people simply do not know how to train dogs. As social creatures, like humans, dogs have the capacity to relate to us, but they have to relate to us according to the rules of their own nature – they cannot relate to us as if they are human. In other words, it’s important to create a relationship ...
... with your dog that is based upon the model of a pack with you as the leader in order to effectively demonstrate and clarify your role and to train your dog to behave in appropriate ways.
Part of learning how to train dogs is being observant of how your particular dog behaves. Like people, dogs have varying temperaments. Watch and notice what characteristics your dog exhibits. He may be shy or outgoing, energetic or laid-back. Understanding your dog’s temperament is essential to knowing how to reinforce certain behaviors. Also, make sure that correction is just that: correction, and not punishment.
Your corrections and rewards will be customized by the temperament of your dog, which may, to some degree, be tempered by his breed tendencies. Tough love doesn’t work with timid or insecure dogs. For instance, a sensitive breed such as the Italian Greyhound could shut down completely at the sound of a raised or harsh tone of voice. Other dogs can learn more quickly if you leave them to it. Your first step, however, in learning how to train dogs is discovering what your dog’s social behaviors entail. That means being observant and watching. You may be surprised by what you learn.
The key to knowing how to train dogs effectively is having an understanding of how your dog behaves, what his temperament is, and acting in a way that compels him to respond to you, rather than you responding to him.
Bark Busters trainers have trained more than 500,000 dogs worldwide and are renowned authorities in correcting dog behavior with all-natural, dog-friendly methods. Bark Busters training is the only service of its kind that offers guaranteed lifetime support. With hundreds of offices in 40 states and 10 countries, Bark Busters is continuing its mission to enhance the human-canine relationship and reduce the possibility of maltreatment and abandonment. Bark Busters dog behavioral training services are known as the “Best of the Best” in their category. No other training company or dog trainer has received such a distinction. For more details about Bark Busters and how to train dogs, call 1-877-500-BARK or visit
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