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New Tips To Get Your Ex Back

Do you fantasize about getting your ex back? Do you miss the best times you had together and long to make things right? There may still be hope if you do it right. Take it from me. It is possible to get your ex back.
Perhaps you have been on the verge of giving up because your friends and family members may not be very supportive of you trying to get your ex back. They may advise you to let go of the relationship and find someone better. But, giving up on your ex and starting over is not as easily done as said.
Well, you are definitely not the only one in this kind of situation. There are millions of people in the same or even worse situation than you. They are extremely dejected and unhappy because they got advice from friends and family who never had to face this situation. Of course, they do so with the best of intention. Your friends love you and definitely want you to be happy instead of being stuck in your old relationship.
Their approach is putting the onus on your ex to make the first move. This is a bad idea for a number of good reasons but, mainly, only you can figure out the things that need ...
... correcting. It is those things that must be the basis for getting your ex to respond.
If you love someone let them know. It might be just what your ex is waiting to hear. If you make contact and your ex says the relationship is over then at least you have done your part and know that you can now move on with your life. If, on the other hand your ex mentions something that you did to cause the split, do not get defensive. Simply ask if you two can talk about it so you understand it better. This opens the door.
Keep in mind, however, even if you do manage to get back together with your ex, it may only be temporary. If the root problems are not dealt with they are going to resurface again and may cause both of you to break up again. Surely, you don't want to go through the pain of break up twice, do you?
If your ex is phoning you, they obviously still care about you. It is a platform you can build on if you don't do anything stupid or sound too desperate. You know their weaknesses but don't move too fast. Let your ex think you're nervous about renewing the relationship, but keep the door open for further contact. Play your cards right and you have a fighting chance.
You also need to consider whether a break up may not be a bad thing after all. It forces both of you to look at the problems and resolve them together. If both of you can survive this tough time, it will make your relationship stronger than ever before.
If your ex split with you but you are not sure they have definitely closed the door, get out there and get on with your life. When your ex sees you or talks to you, you need to appear as if you are enjoying yourself, even if you are not. Be upbeat about your future, mention any new people you have met and new experiences since you parted.
Sometimes, absence does make the heart grow fonder!
With the right approach and a sincere desire to make things right you can get your ex back.
Jim DeSantis is a retired Pastoral Counselor who edits 35 blogs and websites. Jim provides more information about how to get your ex-love back - here!
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