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29 Wrinkle Treatments For Beyond 2000!

Although these wrinkle treatments might not all be able to keep you looking young, the medical and cosmetic approaches to youthful skin have certainly changed over the last 10 years or more. Chemist creams bought on the basisof airbrushed photos are thankfully losing popularity, while ant-wrinkle technology such as Botox has improved our ability to really reverse wrinkles and slow the appearance of ageing.This article looks at 29 new ways of treating wrinkles across the body, from natural at-home methods to controlled and highly effective anti-wrinkle injections and other salon anti-wrinkle treatments.
1.Slip, Slop, Slap
We have a much better understanding of the impact of sun exposure on your skin now, and we know that wrinkle prevention and even wrinkle treatment depends on limiting sun exposure. Stay out of direct sunlight whenever possible!
2.Quit Smoking
The evidence is becoming more compelling that cigarette smoke releases an enzyme that breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin.
Most commonly known by the brand name Retin A, this ...
... stimulates cell mitosis (renewal) and turnover of your skin cells.
4.Watch Your Habits
Any repetitive facial movement (such as squinting or furrowing your brow) can cause wrinkles – so watch your habits, or even anti-wrinkle injections might not be effective if you still habitually wrinkle up your nose!
5.Sleep on Your Back
Sleep lines are wrinkles that may become etched into your face permanently if you sleep in the same position often enough, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Hyaluronic acid is the main ingredient in many dermal fillers used to treat wrinkles, but may also be applied topically to restore enzyme balance which promotes moisture retention and lubrication.
7.Eat more fish
Ormany physicians recommend takingan omega-3 supplement to help provide the necessary ingredients for cell renewal.
8.Swap chicken noodles for tofu
Soy can help protect from photo aging damage and even heal some of it.
9.Use Botox anti wrinkle injections
These can be both curative and preventive – if you cannot furrow your brow, you can’t worsen the wrinkles that are already there.
10.Wash your face less
If wrinkling is your main concern, you should wash your face less often with soap. Use a cleanser specially designed for facial use, only once a day to avoid stripping the natural protective oils.
11.Get hot and sweaty
At the gym, of course! Sweating can help wash and revitalise your skin, and getting red-faced means that there is increased blood flow to all the areas of your face which normally receive minimal nutrient flow or waste removal.
12.Use moisturiser – but not for the reasons you think
Most of the anti-aging moisturisers which cost $50 for a small bottle from the chemist will have little to absolutely no long term effect on your wrinkles. Yet skin that is moist simply looks and feels better. Short term fix, but inexpensive!
13. Fill ‘er up
Of course, the fastest and most reliable way to alleviate wrinkling is to fix its physical cause – loss of facial volume. This is done with dermal fillers which last from 6 to 18 months, and there are permanent options for some parts of your face.
Wrinkles no longer have to be a fact of life – we know an awful lot about how to prevent them and treat them nowadays. Ask your Dermox Clinics medical practitioner today about how to gain the best anti-wrinkle effect.
Are you looking to remove those wrinkles to keep your face looking youthful and supple? We use natural wrinkle treatments which will help you do just that. We also have anti wrinkle injections which will help remove those wrinkles fast. Why not give us a call today?
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