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Tough Love: my Top 7 Pet Peeves by The Diy Designer
A cheeky peek into the collecting habits of menHave you ever wondered what makes us collect certain things? Like when you are at a gourmet kitchen store and fall in love with a beautiful ceramic rooster so you splurge. Others notice it displayed on your countertop and more begin to appear with every passing birthday and holiday. Suddenly you find yourself on a farm with Rooster’s 5 feathery friends: Wrought Iron Rooster, Plastic Rooster, Molded Glass Rooster, Wicker Rooster, and last but not least, Paper-Mache Rooster. Eventually, you see a different reaction when visitors enter your kitchen. The horror is written all over their faces but they simply say: "Oh, you collect roosters."
Then there are the collectors who are anything but accidental. These are the people who are just interested in teddy bears, dolls, and beanie babies, soon to become obsessed. Are they recapturing a childhood memory or perhaps creating a collection for future generations? Who knows and who cares?! You’re a big girl now and I’m sure that you can find better ways to comfort yourself. Try donating the toys to children in need and leave ...
... a little room to breath without these unnecessary dust magnets.
My favourite collectors of all are men. They seem to think that their collections are an investment. Some how some way, they have convinced themselves that over the next 40 years, their movie collection will be worth a fortune. Tell that to the last generation of video and DVD collectors as we face the era of Blu Ray, High Def, 3D, and movie downloads. We might as well cover CD’s, video games, and other man-clutter on display like the modern version of an elk’s head mounted above the fireplace. History tells us that technology is evolving at a rapid pace so we shouldn’t get caught up in the excitement of collecting the latest tech trends and even worse --- exposing these hideous items for the rest of us to look at.
Let’s get it all out in the open people. Collecting is out of control in this part of the world. So, before you hit that next garage sale and pick up your 17th vinyl ottoman (true story), think about the hardwood floors you dream of or the new bed sheets you yearn for. Analyze, prioritize, and identify what would bring you meaningful enjoyment and possibly increase the value of your home.
Deidre Gilbert
President, rearrange Inc.
Author, Confessions of an Interior Designer
After a decade of being told that I should write a book, I finally did it. This little handbook is a collection of embarrassing stories and strange situations that I experienced while on the job as well as professional pet peeves and useful tips to help you improve your Home Decorating and Interior Designer. Please do not buy this book if you are especially sensitive to sarcasm or if you have a love of popcorn ceilings. Thank you!
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