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What Cardio Should I Be Doing To Lose Weight?

Do you walk past the mirror at home and don't like the look of your body? There is always something most people believe could be improved upon in their physique. A principle that is practical to understand and may help with weight loss “weight distribution”.
Our human bodies are one of the most incredible creations on the Earth. It's trained to absorb excess food we heat as fat, and store it for energy in times of need such as extreme famine. Not so practical today, but the human body was engineered at a time when hunters and gatherers lived day to day as a primal society. Unfortunately, this isn't a useful trait when trying to get get ripped and toned.
As a starting point almost everyone turns to some form of cardiovascular exercise to try and lose weight. It's something that does work, but it doesn't work any of your muscles except your heart. Great for stamina, but there is a pitfall that many fall into. No matter how hard they train in their cardio strength, they still have little results losing weight.
The simple fact is you must adjust your diet accordingly or miss the full benefits of cardiovascular ...
... training. Consuming less calories with the right meals means your cardio training will maximise results. It's imperative that you are burning more calories than what you are ingesting.
Consistency and motivation are ideals I reinforce a lot, but it's simply because they are the tools passed down to me that work. It may seem like an impossible to task to change eating habits and burning calories but it can be done. Tell yourself to take it one day at a time, and the results will happen. It's going to be hard work, so please do not get the impression this is an easy task to undertake. But it's an achievable one.
The beauty of cardio and working your body is that it really can be done at any time. Start making even small changed to your routine, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a great little beginning. Every movement uses energy and even if small mounts up over the week with each change you add. In no time with regular cardio sessions, you will be burning more calories and lose weight. The more people get out and about the better. Exercise is becoming more rare, especially as we enter the digital age. The body needs to be worked like a machine, so don't forgot the more physical exercise you do, big or small, the better.
Just going in the other direction and dieting with no exercise is a bad idea. Assuming you will lose weight due to the reduced intake of calories, your muscles will also start to deteriorate. The aim here is to get a fit, toned body, and muscles need fuel. More so, they need exercise so you will never achieve a great body merely by eliminating calories.
Ben Basos is the writer of the extremely popular Mission to Muscle blog which documented his 12 week transformation from flabby to fit. Ben also holds a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Human Movement studies and dedicates his time to keeping lean, fit and healthy. Read the full article on What Cardio Should I Be Doing To Lose Weight?
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